A bad hunter will try to stay in melee and not realize they’re gimping themselves hard.
A good hunter will know when pop in melee for a Raptor Strike/Wing Clip, but understands that you shouldn’t in melee as hunter.
A great hunter doesn’t let people in melee range in the first place.
And then there’s the memeing hunters that run double Dragon’s Call and Immolation Trap and summon a bazillion dragons while fighting in melee. Looking at you, Corossity.
Mongoose bite activates only on dodges, and deals pretty mediocre damage. Counterattack same for parries, and ofc there’s no lacerate in 1.12.1.
They should really dial back the patches for Survival and bring out some sort of a hybrid between 1.12.1 and pre 1.7.0 patch, old survival had such a fun playstyle.
It is ideal to use a slow two hander in PvP and sneak in a raptor strike whenever you’re forced to melee (wing clip), dropping an immolation trap can be helpful too.
Overgeared hunters can melee actual melees to death with deterrence and immolation trap, not to mention raptor strike crits and wind serpent pet.
I do agree because their dps is terrible, but I count them in one of the few classes that will actually be taken as a dps.
As opposed to the other hybrid classes which will not be taken as dps at all outside of specific circumstances.
You’re not going to get as punished (at least in dungeon groups) by playing a Hunter or Warlock as say, playing Enhancement Shaman or Balance Druid.
Depends on what you are going for, based on that build, if the OP is wanting to be predominantly melee focused maybe drop the points in Imp Aspect of Hawk for Endurance Training so your pet is a bit tankier. Then dropping the points in Lethal Shots (which only affects ranged crits) and chucking them into Imp Revive Pet (just in case), Bestail Swiftness (PvP is predominantly outdoors so your pet will stick better), and then something like Deterrence for the extra defensive cd and Savage Strikes for the Raptor/Mongoose crit chance. Alternatively Humanoid Slaying as most targets in PvP will count as Humanoid (minus Druids or pets)
Kindwolf is incapable of having an honest discussion. He is a Warrior main who occasionally plays a Hunter and Blizzard making one of the specs melee has given him an immense sense of entitlement. He trolls the Hunter forum all day talking about how great melee is and how crap Survival was before (despite it being one of the most popular specs in the game before Legion) because he is insecure about the spec. It is NO surprise to find him here complaining when he finds out melee Hunter wasn’t a real thing in Vanilla.
It… kind of was? You didn’t drop ranged, you run in and out to deal extra damage since you only gain damage from meleeing with Raptor Strike while everything is cooling down. But actually going into melee instead of staying at range is horrendously stupid.
I have never seen proof that this was actually optimal, and in fact see several reasons why it wasn’t. The optimal DPS for Hunters was weaving Aimed Shot, Multi-Shot, and Auto-Shot. It was a pretty precise weave and I don’t see room for running in and using Raptor Strike, especially since that could potentially result in you having to wait a full auto attack swing, then of course you have to run back out and start the ranged rotation again. I don’t see any way of pulling this off without at least delaying an Auto-Shot or two and even one of either Aimed Shot or Multi-Shot. Raptor Strike’s damage would have to be huge for that to be remotely worth it, and Agility gave 2 ranged attack power for every 1 melee attack power so I sincerely doubt it.
That’s just raw PvE DPS, too. In PvP this would put you in a lot of danger for obvious reasons.
OP is the definition of the completely clueless guy that you love to face because it’s a free HK, but hate to have on your team because they’re deadweight that can’t even spin the flag or focus the healer.