Quiet elitist trash.
You asked a question, you get an answer and call anyone who gives you an answer other than what you want to hear “elitest trash”.
Stay classy
Yet here someone posts a video of a melee Hunter…showing it works.
Thanks for the advice squirrelmaster.
See you in classic. Please roll Horde so you can be an easy HK.
Amazing thank you, looks fine to me with some badass gear. He seems to be full BM/SV. I’ll have to look into his spec more.
Thank You!
Don’t know about endgame at all but I remember a twink hunter who was built for a balance of melee and ranged, so when his kiting failed he could close on a melee and end it that way. He still opened ranged and kited as long as possible, but he could finish fights melee. Obviously the twink side of things is a totally separate ball game, but in very specific niche areas, it was doable.
Overall just decide what you want and do it. If you want to be a cutting edge progression raider, it seems like that may be a tough sell. Otherwise you do you.
That video isn’t from vanilla 2004, btw. That is from a private server, genius.
There was no such thing as a YouTube video in 1920x1080 or higher from that era. If you’re a hunter, you’ll likely almost never get Thunderfury. Fiery enchant on that weapon is a joke, and collecting Tier 3 took 100% commitment.
Also, that Thunderfury is black and likely isn’t even called Thunderfury on that private server. There was no black Thunderfury.
And being that this is a private server footage, the stats are not going to be true to vanilla.
Every warrior on that video had full Tier 2.5 and Corrupted Ashebringer. lol
Yes but its more of a pvp thing. Id recomend going 9/21/21 so you get counter attack, scatter shot (helps with deadzone), and 9% dodge.
However I did do full bm/survival mix and had fun, good anti-melee, but without scatter youre open to mages and druids
There was a Hunter on Lothar Server named Fun that was a legit Survival hunter during vanilla. He must have server transferred or deleted his main hunter to make a 19 twink. But if you check achievements you can see he did get Marshal Rank during vanilla.
This guy would have the answers.
It was meant as a meme dude, which is what melee hunter is. It doesn’t have to be 100% accurate if it’s a meme anyways…
Come on dude… nobody takes that video seriously. It’s funny though.
Melee Hunter is only good vs other Hunters in pvp.
In Burning Crusade it worked a bit better but for PVE it is always better to be ranged.
Yea yes we get it you hate melee hunters. You’re gonna love them in Classic I’m sure.
Thanks for the insight champ.
No. Simply because if you try to go blow for blow with any other melee class you will get rekt
Meh he has a stun and reliable root, decent melee and lots of pet damage.
Call it what you will,. Lots of people are going to try to make that work.
I just want to give a shoutout to all the mele hunters I saw jumping around the Wetlands and Arathi while I leveled. And especially the guy who had ravager.
Lots of people tried to make it work back in Vanilla too. It’s a fun concept to play with, but you won’t be raiding, or even on a good pvp Rank grinding team. If you want to do it for fun though, it’s your game. Do whatever you want.
It’s definitely the memest of the meme specs though.
If you are in melee, you are in oh s**t mode.
You going Horde? If so then, YES, please do be a melee hunter… you will be so hard to kill, OMG.
If you are going Alliance, don’t be that guy, unless you really want to and don’t mind people laughing at you.
Obviously wait until Naxx opens.
Get 2 MSA’s and enchant them both with Crusader.
What could possibly go wrong?
Scatter shot begs to differ.