Nah pve is for the birds, I’m never talking about pve. Raptor Strike, feels good man.
REPTAR strike.
RAWRPTOR strike those clothes!
Speaking of hunters and melee:
Little tip i remember
Wing Clip rank 4 costs a lot more mana than Wing Clip rank 3, and does like 2 more damage and the same snare %. Ignore rank 4, and just use rank 3.
However!! the Rhok’Delar quest, one of the bosses requires you to use wing clip to trigger a mechanic and it doesn’t become active unless you use rank 4 wing clip… for some reason. That had me in fits figuring it out.
I ground out my Bloodsail Admiral hat on my hunter back when it was first released… I went melee (with a Blackhand Doomsaw that I won since no one else wanted it) since I was fighting in Booty Bay and didn’t want to aggro extra guards. Worked out pretty well for what I was using it for, with an Immo trap, Serpent Sting, then melee with my pet set up.
As an actual build, I did see a lot of “melee hunters” splatter hilariously in early raiding; part of that was people not knowing how to play and part of that was it just being an ineffectual build. A hybrid hunter (50/50 ranged/melee or so) was great in PvP, but not so much in (group) PvE. Going pure, 100% melee isn’t going to work out well in most group play (but is fine for leveling/farming solo).
Cool I’ll keep that in mind. Getting used to using different rank spells again will be… interesting.
Cheers team Melee Hunter!
this made me LoL
It’s called beast spec but with fast weapons (under 2.0 speed). Single target damage you will be able to keep up with other classes. (pre 60). I’ll let you know how it goes when I get to 60.
Awesome! I’m not level capped but stoked!
Yeah, I don’t think you’d want to be banging toe to toe. You don’t have the armor f a plate wearer, or the toolkit of a rogue.
By all means, give it a try. Maybe you’ll have some fun with it. But Hunters, by their design, are made to range.
When I look at the talents and the tool kit, the look as if they were made ranged at the last minute.
We were always designed as a hybrid Range (primary) melee (secondary). Patch 1.7 changed the talent trees and drastically improved them to keep the class more contiguous.
Ranged is where we shine, Melee abilities while strong in SV are there to get us back to range as quickly and as efficiently as possible while keeping the damgae on.
SV melee is potent if you have a decent weapon / weapons. Problems is we’re not warriors so we preference to get back to range where we’re not taking damage VS melee. This is why Deterrence adds parry chance VS dodge to counter specifically warriors and avoid proc’n their overpower.
This is why we can root / snare melee so we can get back too range.
This is why SV has improved frost trap to again get to range and stay there.
This is why we can FD fart out a trap and WS a target to CC 2 players at the same time.
Additionally melee range is not a good place to be Vs most casters… getting into Melee range as a hunter VS a caster is a death sentence in most cases. NEVER melee a caster if you can avoid it, they have way too many anti melee abilities to ever want to get close…
Stay at 40 yards and simply kite them when they try and run up on you and fully avoid taking damage.
You do know that I’m a Vanilla Vet right? You can look at my posts (I’m also Whim) and see what I know and don’t know. Take the tools that we have, look at the talents. Melee Hunters came about because it looks like it could be viable. The problem is that the Developers stopped developing and shipped out a game almost as unfinished as Legion was.
I’d rather just use Aimed Shot out of Shadowmeld or with Freezing Trap while a 1.3 AS or faster Pet was there to prolong casting personally.
pure melee isnt very good but your melee and range have separate swing timers
Raptor Strike weave or you’re bad.
Totally agree, hate getting harass by my teammates in bgs cause I was Beastmastery and not survival hunter in mop, hate that spec with passion back then
Word, I’ll never understand the classism/specism mentality.
Yea and lol the only proof you need is to look at current Warcraft logs for MC and ony. All 5 of the top world dps hunters (and only hunters who are actually in like the top couple hundred world dps) melee weave, and if you look at the parse breakdown melee white dmg accounts for over 20% of their total damage. They don’t bother raptor striking because of ma’am consumption. Oh and those parses are without even being in windfury group. Then it would be worth tacking on a tank 1 wing clip on the weave.
I regularly pvp as full melee. It’s fun, and specced full survival with counterattack/wyvern sting/ improved wing clip…it crushes, both 2h and dw. Also, I mess around with spell power melee in pvp using shadow oil/oils of immolation/ dragon breath chili/ weapons with life steal procs. You can also do dps on par with ranged hunters in pve with this build. Pick up 2x ancient hakkari manslayers from zg. Put shadow oil on both, or if you’re horse even better, shadow oil offhand/windfury main hand, 2x 30sp enchants. Stack hit gear/spell power gear. Str/agi elixirs/ spell power elixirs, dragon breath chili. Good to go. Also, I swing nightfall for my guild as Hunter. I am the melee hunter guru.