Melee DPS is harder than ranged. /duck

Parse means nothing. Period. Some people go into pug raids and mythic+ with the intention of ruining other people’s parse. Since pug IS THE MORE DIFFICULT ROAD TO TRAVEL… well, if you can’t figure out what that says about players and the different sliding scales made by other players to rate and judge them then it’s not worth the time it would take to explain it.

Actually, parse might mean something - the higher the score the more it means the one with the higher score can only work with certain people in controlled environments, while a score attained through nothing but wild, random pugs means one can work with a lot more people and handle a lot more circumstances and situations.

Youre not wrong. Its easier to avoid stuff when you have a better view of the field. It’s definitely less stressful.

Some fights are a bit more difficult, such as downstairs of KT. The constant ground attacks and our main attack is a aimed shot that requires standing for the full cast. But otherwise, yeah


By all means if you feel that Outlaw is one of the “easiest classes in the game to play” then go collect your 99s. I’ll be sitting here waiting as you complain about “rtb rng” when it’s a non issue. Outlaw is 71 APM compared to SP 55 and Ele 48. You do not know the definition of “hectic”. If you think that ele in it’s current state is hard with icefury then maybe you should stop clicking your abilities and keyboard turning?


The only people that think parsing doesn’t mean anything are bad players. Nobody is going into raids with the intention of “ruining your parse” and you can literally parse in pug heroics. Also, achievements are account wide so you can easily see that you don’t play the game. Made up situations in your head doesn’t equate to reality.

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Oh really? That’s true only if one wants the achieves shown on all their characters. So… you are wrong on that, smart guy.

I see, and I highly doubt that you pug enough mythics+ and raids to make that assumption or even talk on the matter so just… shut up.

And the only people who think baby food taste good are the ones it’s being spoon fed to.

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I’ve had more difficulty playing ranged than melee. shrug

You can say what you will but you don’t do any content in this game. I’m literally looking at your other characters right now, which to no surprise, share the same achievements. Truly a shocker. Also, I literally pug heroic every week for the vault slots for second Sylv dagger for M+ because my guild stopped wasting their time doing heroic back at the start of August. I have never once across any expansion have ever joined a pug and had somebody even attempt to intentionally “grief my parse”. If you want to look for an excuse for poor play then by all means keep going at it.

Well, here’s the thing…

You’ve hit the nail on the head - in a sense.

Let’s take sub rogue and compare it to BM hunter.

During progression - a sub rogue might sim at 11k, whereas a BM hunter might sim at 10k. This gets people up in arms…

But performing your rotation at 95-100% accuracy is pretty simple as a BM hunter. Yeah, you might Bestial Wrath into an immune phase when totally not paying attention, but it’s a very slight loss in dps anyway. Sub rogue - you have a much harder time at getting anywhere close to 95-100% especially during progression. Hit your Shadow Dance, Shadow Blades, and Flagellation before an immune phase, and you’re literally doing 3k dps for the next minute and a half (because you also lose your cdr from Obedience too).

As for boomkins - I dunno, they’re just an anomaly.

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i guess you don’t know most of us can’t cast while moving and do virtually no damage if we have to move every 1.5 seconds for mechanics

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You’re assuming and you are completely wrong from that point on.

Aren’t you just a nosey little busy body. Still not right. You are aware that one does not have to have their total achievement points listed on any one character, right??

Awww, poor baby. You get carried by your guild to a 240+ and now think you’re a pug master because you’re chasing a stupid dagger all by yourself every week??? People who intentionally ruin pugs generally can’t do so at higher levels because they don’t want to ruin a higher level character.

Then you’re clearly not pugging every step of the way from day one of each expansion.

Oh, I’m not looking. I’d rather get this done than complain about something or someone else. The fact of the matter is - it gets done just the same whether I complain or not. We’re only as strong as the weakest link and the best way to improve the weakest link is make them think they are the strongest while making the strongest think they are the weakest.

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It always reminds me of cartoon battle clouds:

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Yep sure got carried all the way! Want to know something even crazier? You can even see parses from all of my pugs too. You are probably the most delusional player I have ever seen on this forums that can’t accept that they’re simply not good at the game. What does your second statement in that paragraph even mean? You’re literally living in a fairy tale inside of your head it’s actually insane.


Like I said… making the weak link think they’re the strongest.

If I was living in a fairy tale in my head it’d be a better story for me… kinda like the one you’re bragging about and spilling all over the place like a crackhead.

Whether you are aware of it or not, someone is likely helping you from the shadows. Me, on the other hand, someone goes out of their way to personally attack and ruin my days… also from the shadows.

Little bit of life advice for you, I’m assuming you are a female - guys want girls living a delusional fantasy and thinking everything they do is good and right. It keeps them clueless about reality. So maybe put what I said about ‘people in the shadows helping you’ and ‘people in the shadows ruining my days’ in that context for better understanding of all this and how I know you are wrong. BEFORE YOU GET AHEAD OF YOURSELF AGAIN - I am a male and to the contrary of what was just said because I am against them and downright hate them and hope to ruin every scheme they try and pull, I can survive their scheme failing but they cannot, hence they ‘ruin my days from the shadows.’

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I still remember the first time I raided with a ranged toon. I was blown away by all the STUFF YOU CAN SEE, BESIDES BOSS BUTT! It was wonderful!

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Hunter is melee dps from afar.

Caster ranged is a PITA. On trash, it’s always fun to see a chaos bolt you have been casting for minutes, as you have to move here and there to avoid this or that, fly to a target and hit right after it dies. That’s fun.

I find melee easier to play. Dodging bad stuff means walking through the boss or running out of a circle. Ranged actually has to run around, hair on fire, trying not to stand in fire.


are you trying to say that anybody that’s better than you was carried lol

you can see their logs clear as day but you hide yours?? your posts are not helping your pov

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I agree only because all that frost bolts, starsurges and chaos bolts are blowing up in your face constantly. It’s a big ole mess in there.

Don’t forget weaving in instant casts while moving!

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No BUT… the one on the bottom is doing the carrying, kid. Also, I’m sure you went to school, you got the parses but where’s the work, can you show your work?? Where are your mistakes that had to be made? Not making your own mistakes sounds like being carried to me.

Also I don’t have my parses shown because I don’t care about it and I don’t know how to enable it and I don’t want to. I haven’t used DPS meters at all this expansion and I’m not about to put some other b.s. numbers and charts in their place. NO ONE STARTED THIS FOR THE NUMBERS AND PIE GRAPHS AND FLOW CHARTS. Truth.

Jesus. This is just amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this variant before.