Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

Well I wouldn’t know since I use Glyph of the Stars


I love this dance too

they develop kultirans females from the scratch too, why they could not do it with ogres? they can even use the kultirans rig to do it, and they create new models all the time, is not that hard

Zandalari and kultiras are so well done that became better than a “core race”

in the FAQ part, i explain that there are female ones, even with some pics

i did something similar with vrykuls, but it didn’t get much support sadly :persevere:


Rip. Well good job with this idea

I like how in depth it is

Much rather get ogres as an actual race not an allied race that is just a glorified reskin.

Blizzard should have added Ogres for years and should have definitely added them in Warlords of draenor since they weren’t offering a new class.


It would be nice to see them add ogres as a playable race but I don’t see them developing actual new races when they can easily and lazily create reskinned races and call them allied races.

Making actual races would take real effort and at this point I’m not sure the word effort is in their vocabulary.


I support an ogre race but not allied race.


Thats the thing, i think there will not be “full races” anymore, just the system

tell me, what “full races” have, that allied races don’t? just the starting zone, and this can be easy replaced with the recruitment scenario.

Allied race is a system to add a lot more races with less effort and money, its easy and simple and the result its the same - or even better -

Ogres are waiting for far too long, if the allied races is the answer, i go for it, i rather sacrifice a starting zone than waiting more 10 years to ogres be playable.


Surprised in 15 years theres been no playable Ogre race. Shouldve added them back in TBC…or WOD.


yay, seems like i could upload one image because its come from wowhead

wish i could get more, i had some cool ones but i can’t put here

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If they make Ogres playable they will have to go to the Alliance. Ogres were the natural pairing with High Elves for TBC, but they wanted to flip the script and give Blood Elves to the Horde. Therefore, Alliance must receive Ogres to balance things out.

Horde can get some sort of Voidforged Ogre later on as an Allied Race, but the core race of Ogres must go to the Alliance.

This means the playable version of Ogres will have to be the Gorian Ogres from Draenor that absolutely hate Orcs and would never ally with them willingly.

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I’d quite like a Mok’nathal but Ogres would be awesome as well.
I’m all about more races and customization. Vrykul are on my wanted list as well.

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It’s been said the allied race system is how they plan to add all races going forward. I’m sure there’ll be some that more work is put in on compared to others.

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So if you call something a Megathread does that make it Important?

Ogre heritage armor should just be a loincloth.

no, it makes a big thread, trying to put all the discussion in just one thread, and not polite the forum or lose news as well people, no one its claiming to be more important

meh, not rly, the alliance do not want ogres, neither would benefit from then, they actually would be even more pissed, its a loss-loss scenario with no factions being pleased

but in fact i think this is just a troll post, im so desperate to play ogres that i would not mind they joining the alliance


And I say that’s a mistake.

Gimme da Ogres please. <3


If people think Ogres are too big and dumb then just add a snippet that says playable ones are the smallest yet most clever.

There. That solves both problems and adds a uniqueness to the playable ones compared to the others we’ve seen.

I think it’s a great idea though…I will say I’m not overly fond of the stupid rep requirements, but actually questing to unlock/ally the race is fun. I like the embassy quests. They could easily change up the stupid over the top rep requirement for a more “regular” race addition.


But doors.