So another “leak” allegedly from an employee at Blizzard on the WoW side is floating around again. This time, something mentioning Ogres was part of this “leak.” Now, I don’t really believe it myself, but I’ll look at it and comment on it anyway.
The “leak” states the following regarding a question asking about playable Ogres: “As for Ogres…welp…we’re not planning on going back to Draenor as of yet, but that ogre continent always exists. We never know what the higher ups want to end up doing way down the line.”
Assuming this is true…I’m confused why we would need to go back to AU Draenor to get Ogres to be playable. It has been stated many times before that there are three clans already in the Horde (Stonemaul, Dunemaul, and the Gorians that came with the AU Mag’har Orcs). Given that these clans of Ogres aren’t doing much, with the Stonemaul Clan owing the Horde A LOT, I don’t understand the need to go back to AU Draenor to get those Ogres instead.
The one possibility I can think of is that the Horde, for some reason, needs to go back to AU Draenor, and the Ogre continent on AU Draenor is besieged by Yrel, we assist the Ogres there, and they join us to have a place to survive…which of course sounds like a rehashed Mag’har Orc recruitment questline. The only other possible way I could going back to AU Draenor to get these Ogres is if Yrel opens a connection to our Azeroth, invades, and we go to AU Draenor to take Yrel and…her forces…down…actually, this sounds like a rehashed WoD, and I doubt very many people want WoD again. I honestly can’t think of a good reason to go back to AU Draenor again, let alone why we would need to tie playable Ogres to AU Draenor.
This particular Ogre continent, I assume, was originally suppose to be part of WoD that was eventually dropped for some reason. This continent might have been owned by the Gorian Empire, but I’m not 100% sure on that, and will need to do some research. There were a lot of aspects of WoD that were planned but eventually dropped for one reason or another, and the Ogre continent was one of them.
At any rate, I don’t really believe the “leak.” I still firmly believe that the Stonemaul Clan, who has history with the Horde since Warcraft III, would be the best choice of Ogre clans to be made playable, would be easier to implement in terms of storyline, and would have more meaning than just getting Draenor Ogres. Not to mention that if a level squish is coming in the future, and rumors of a Cataclysm 2.0 on Kalimdor and Easter Kingdoms are to be believed, then what better way to get people playing through the new content than with a new core race? Ogres are a top contender for a new Horde race, in my opinion, and it would just be more fitting, again in my opinion. Granted, I honestly would be surprised to see new races in the next expansion, but who knows if Blizzard will keep the expansion theme of new races every other expansion or not?
On the other hand, if it got us playable Ogres, I’d be fine with AU Ogres joining as the playable faction of Ogres…but I still would prefer the Stonemaul Clan, myself.