Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

So after all is said and done, the time between the pre-expansion events and the expansion launches is time that the new Ogre village is being worked in Dustwallow Marsh. The village is close to being finished when players create their new Ogres, who hear the following as their intro text:

Tharg: We Ogres. We strong. We endured many tings, and now…it be our time. All of us together now. Stonemaul. Dunemaul. Gordunni. Gorian (Draenor Ogres). You now belong. Da Horde is our home, and da world soon know da might of da Ogres. You go now. You help da Horde. You let dem know we always tankful of dere help and we be proud ta be Horde. Show dem lie-ense (Alliance) wat it means to be Ogre. FO DA HORDE!

Thus, new Ogres start in the new Stonemaul village being close to being rebuilt. There are some huts and vendors, with different mobs like dragonkin on spikes here and there.

As a new Ogre player character, you’re tasked at first with assisting the finishing touches of the new Stonemaul village. You’ll get the usual quest types: Bash pests (spiders, crocolisks, raptors), gather meat, get items for construction, ceremonies for the deceased, etc. I’ll be focusing on the main storyline for the questline.

For the different clans, they are represented here, and are assisting with the construction both for the Ogres in general and also for the Horde, who want more of a presence here because of the naga that appeared before.

The first part will involve the remaining dragonkin mobs. At a certain point, they’re going to launch an attack on the new village, which you help fight off. Tharg is obviously angry, and decides that this time, they’re going to regret ever attacking them. He will not lose his home again.

This leads into a questline where you go to Onxia’s lair, and find that theres strong activity going on here. So you slaughter all the mobs here and eventually enter the lair. The Ogres then discover that there is a new leader of the dragonkin here that is a fully fledged and evil dragon.

The leader’s identity could be done in different ways, and I don’t have anyone specific in mind, but the one thing for certain is that this leader wants to take over the land and assert dominance. This leads into a fight against said dragon with you, Tharg, and some Ogre grunts and magic users.

Eventually, when the dragon’s health gets right to the end, Tharg just jumps onto the head of the dragon, and just starts smashing and stabbing the head with his weapons, letting out a huge warcry. This fells the dragon, and the Ogres are now victorious. Tharg orders the Ogres to drag that body back to the village. They’re going to hang its remains outside, with the body eventually becoming a skeleton. The Stonemaul have finally gotten their revenge.

And this leads into the Ogre victory party! The village is finished, they have defeated their old enemy, they are officially Horde now, and it’s time to party! All the Ogres are dancing, drinking, eating, and the Goblins have disco balls with funky music to add to this.

As part of the victory party, the Ogre Contests occur, where you have to win all the events that are part of it. I’m sure more can be created, but I did think of another one:

Spider Squish

All the spiders from the top-western area have been a nuisance, so the Ogres made a game of it. The goal is to squish as many spiders as possible. Small spiders get to be stomped, but the bigger ones involve you jumping up in the air and butt-stomping them, where they explode and you land right back on your feet. Bigger spiders give more points.

Eventually, the player character wins the contest games, everyone gets drunk, and pass out. This leads into the next part of the questline.

What to do with Theramore?

Lets assume Sylvanas is still warchief at this time. Lets also assume that the Horde want to make a port in Dustwallow, where the Ogres would start helping in ships being made.

The Alliance is of course spying on the Ogre developments, after the whole Dire Maul incident from before. They also are freaking out that there is now an Ogre army, and they’re expanding rapidly and towards where Theramore was. They decide to take action and reclaim Theramore, so they can combat the Ogres and hope to get a port again to get an army to combat the Horde in both sides of Feralas.

So they’ve reclaimed the area and are setting up forts from the structures that use to be there, and when the Ogres are passed out from the victory party, they go to attack. The Ogres quickly sober up and get into action against the Alliance, fending them off.

The next questline involves you fighting off the Alliance and driving them out of Dustwallow Marsh. It can be a hard decision, but since the Alliance is trying to gain a foothold at Theramore, and given the naga threat, the Horde decides to build their port right on the remains of Theramore. This serves to fuel the fight against the Alliance and, if Sylvanas is warchief, could just be an order from her since the whole kerfuffle with Baine meeting with Jaina occurred here. So it prevents that from happening again with anyone else.

As the questline occurs, eventually the Vrykul arrive by sea, and go to assist the Alliance there. This leads into a huge battle. Eventually, the Kul Tirans and Vrykul use their mist magic and totems to try to turn the tides of battle, only for the San’layn, if they’ve become an allied race, to just turn into bats and use their echolocation to stop that nonsense. If Gilgoblins became an allied race, they should make an appearance and assist in the battle. The battle ends with the Horde winning and a port area is quickly made after another Ogre party where you pass out drunk.

Eventually you wake up and the new port is completed. You’re then sent to Orgimmar to report to the warchief about the port’s creation. The warchief then sends you to the signpost outside, much like you’re sent to as an allied race, to pick an area to assist the Horde in other locations. By now, the player character should be close to level 20.

I did mention Mudsprocket and profit opportunities. Mudsprocket is a neutral Goblin city, and while they can offer quests still during the newbie Ogres questlines, they should be making a killing off selling supplies and construction parts to the Horde. So much that the head honco there should be decked out in bling and be cool with future profit opportunities now that the Horde has a port there.

Thats a general idea how the newbie Ogre questline should go. I will admit, there are a lot of flaws and plenty of things that are debatable, but it closes the book on the dragonkin mobs there and helps drive the Alliance out of the area while introducing the Vrykul as a rival to the Ogres.

All in all, a fun scenario to think of and type out!

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