Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

I can’t post links, outside of youtube videos apparently, but if you google “ogre kul tiran model” theres a result from MMO Champion’s forums that had some images there. Might be what you’re talking about.

On another note, a few comments about what I talked before…

The two events I mentioned could be wide scale battles with several players out in the open. This is something that occurred right before Cataclysm, and were pretty epic back in the day. Thus the “pre-expansion hype” I mentioned. It would be a combination questline and scenario with huge groups of NPC’s and players fighting against a huge group of mobs. It’d be neat to bring it back, and obviously there would be events for the Alliance showing how the Vrykul join them.

An argument can also be made for destroying the dragonkin mobs outright during this event, but given that they factor so heavily into the Stonemaul Clan lore, I feel like finishing them off may be better in the questline for newbie Ogres. This is similar to the newbie Troll questline, where it ends with a standoff with the naga sea witch from Warcraft III.

Also a note about Megs and why she has the Dunemaul there. Megs likely has an interest in Dire Maul, and would be the reason the Bilgewater would have groups of Goblins ready to help excavate it. So right after getting the Dunemaul into the Horde, she sends them to Feralas to assist the Stonemaul there. This explains why she is there and what she has been up to.

As for the Draenor Ogres, them being sent recently stems from not quite trusting them in a hot zone like in BfA areas. Thus, the leader of the Mag’Har have sent them to assist in Feralas to prove themselves. They do need a home and a place to live, so they would oblige and prove themselves in the Dire Maul scenario I typed.

The Gordunni join as a factor of being there, and references the questline where a player character becomes their king. I don’t really have the heart to want to wipe them out, and even though they’ve been a nuisance to the Horde, I think it’s better to insert a new king and induct them into the Horde. They’ll be a huge asset in Feralas against the Alliance with all the territory they have, and if they’re like Glubtok in Westfall, they can be reasonable:

“Wait, yoo mean me have all dey food and drink me want, can watch fights whenever me want, and get loads of shines for jus bashin’ stuffs? Ok, me join! Me follow new king and join Horde!”

Thus the Ogre faction in the Horde will consist of Stonemaul, Dunemaul, Gordunni, and Draenor Ogres. Would any other clans join? It’s possible, but as I said, I don’t expect every clan to just join outright. If it fits the narrative, I’ll consider it, such as the Crushridge, who were part of the Stonemaul before, helping to overthrow Sylvanas, for example. They won’t join at all unless Sylvanas is not presently warchief or not a part of the Horde.

Likely, more fleshing out needs to be done, which I’ll do on occasions. Right now, I’m thinking more on the newbie Ogre questlines, and all this scenario-planning has been really fun!