Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

Thinking about the Dire Maul section, I feel like it needed a bit fleshing out, and thought of a way to make it a bit more interesting and tie up a few loose ends. Namely, what happened to Overlord Mok’Morokk who you run off in the Cataclysm questline in Dustwallow Marsh.

I think that he should become the new Overlord of the Gordunni, since their leader is based on who is the strongest warrior. This would help explain player characters who became their king, and when leaving left a void and opportunity for Mok’Morokk to take over it after he was sent running. It also adds more of a reason for the Horde wanting to finally strike at Dire Maul, since the Gordunni were being troublesome before, but now have a new Overlord trying to raise an army to be even more of a headache.

Ultimately what should happen, is that Mok’Morokk gets defeated and killed, likely by Tharg in a one-on-one battle after the battle begins. This causes Tharg to become the new king of the Gordunni, who orders the Gordunni to join the Horde and help out with Dire Maul. This leads into the Alliance attack portion of the questline I mentioned.

I also feel like the initial attack on Dire Maul by the Horde is where Megs and the Dunemaul should appear, with her assisting in Feralas being where the Dunemaul were being taken to. Megs and any goblins would have an interest in getting into Dire Maul for treasure, and if Vulpera did become playable, they can have a friendly rivalry with treasure hunting plans.

You can even have some flavor text between the Gordunni and Dunemaul, since the former claims the latter smells like poo, causing Tharg to assert dominance telling them to knock it off.

Doing this ties up a few loose ends for Horde Ogres, increases the general size of the playable Ogre population lore-wise, and just makes for a neat storyline. The only thing I need to figure out is where the Draenor Ogres would fit in. Likely, they would just appear and help out, like with the Dunemaul Clan.

Tharg being the leader, at least of the Stonemaul Clan, is hinted at during the Cataclysm plans. This leaves Rexxar free, who would be happier on his own eventually, and opens the possibility of eventually having Rexxar recruit his own clan as an allied race down the road.

Still more fleshing out to do, but I like what I’ve thought of so far.