
Cuz why not?
Doesn’t even have to be WoW related, say what you want!

i demand muffins!

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:mushroom: closest to a muffin i can give lol

There’s already a lounge for anything and everything:

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why not a new one? besides thats all WoW related

Because that counts as spam and I feel like your trying to make a dig at another existing lounge thread…

No, it isn’t.


??? what is that supposed to mean? People don’t like fun anymore sheesh

Honestly, I might have misinterpreted your intentions, but just wanted to point out there’s another existing thread. GLHF.

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There is a rule against duplicate threads.

It doesn’t get enforced as often or consistently as it should be, but it’s still there and can be enforced at any time.

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How is this a duplicate thread? I haven’t even heard of the other one. Besides, that was almost a year ago

because the shadowlands megathread fulfills this exact purpose.