Megadungeons always serve as a reminder

The only issue with the timer is that, blizzard often implements it very very differently across the dungeons.

For example Sanguine Depths’ timer was great imo, because it actually allowed you to go slower if you were having trouble with big pulls on certain affixes and such. It even let you wipe 2 times on fortified and about 1.5 times on tyrannical without becoming a lost case. The timer was there, but it only started to specifically threaten your run if you were clearly making major mistakes throughout the dungeon.

Now the opposite of this is for example something like Halls of Atonement was. Imo that dungeon was absolutely horrendous on m+, because it was a perfectly realistic scenario that you do the dungeon without any major wipes and using the correct routing and mid sized, but safe pulls, yet still -1 the key in the end.

I think this is what most ppl talk about when they say they dislike the timer.

So you feel that the correct view is “M+ stinks”?

Now remember. The only view I stated is that I personally have not had to deal with pugs leaving my group. While recently my group has been mostly static, its not 100% static. My group has at least 1 pug every run.

So I never said anyone else is wrong. But the person you are saying is right…his entire viewpoint has been “M+ stinks” and “anyone that disagrees with him will by hypocritically insulted”.

In the game where the top end of content has been easier to do with a regular group for almost 20 years… this is surprising? Shoot a heroic slabs in TBC could go left with unprepared randos.

Gotta loosen the tinfoil hat. But if you’re serious, why would you even play a game where you legit think the devs despise you and are forcing you into RMT carries? Who’d give them their money willingly?

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Going by lvl the keys would just end up being whoever has the most time too sink into a dungeon. Aka lusting and waiting for cds every pack, the actual skill part would be diminished severly.

Time is a major factor in dungeons, proper cd usage easily makes or breaks a key. Proper rotation during cds is also even more important with a timer.
Meta would also be even more soo ingrained into the system since the average player would be getting too the rediculous points very easily.

If you consistently have leavers in your group, you should consider why they’re leaving.

I run with friends for most of my keys, but I (ret paladin) also solo pugged a few of my 20s and at least a few dozen lower keys as well. The vast majority of the time if someone leaves, it’s because we are really struggling, or people are constantly failing mechanics. Sometimes something unexpected comes up but that isn’t usually the case. People also don’t want to waste their time and carry people who don’t even know the mechanics.

At a certain level, understanding of the mechanics is an expectation, not a suggestion. If your group members clearly have no clue what’s going on, I wouldn’t blame someone for leaving. If no one in the group has a clue and people are learning, throw that in the key note so people have an idea of what to expect.

If people constantly bail in your keys, there’s gotta be a reason why. What’s the common denominator each time it happens?

I think that the best solution is to only have a timer above a 20

Like I said, this is easily countered by limiting long CD usage to once per run, or none at all.

Even if there wasn’t a LITERAL timer any key I left I would’ve left regardless. I don’t want to be in a 40+ minute wipefest that may or may not even complete.

I mean the timer doesn’t really exist until that point anyway. You have to go out of your way to not time some of the dungeons in this season assuming your group has hands.

M+ this season is effectively “you have 10 lives” where 2 full wipes is what it takes to miss the key in most dungeons. Nelth Lair is one of the hardest dungeons still and has easily one of the most free timers where if you go deathless on anything below a 20 it is a 2 chest more often than not.

I never understood the arguments against the timer, just don’t time the key??

That just sounds like horrible game design.

Or strategic usage of limited resources.

Yeah no - The Mythic + system has completely ruined this game from its very core! It also promotes an overly exclusive comp design that likely is far worse than anything in the past for this game.

All my friends quit the game because they told me it sucks. The peopel left playing the game are elitist wannabe esport zoomers and I don’t want to be friends with them so pugging is the only option. BTW I don’t pug i gave up doing raiding/mplus at launch after I saw tanks rushing with no thought of the group–former healer that used to always do mythic plus in previous expansions.

It made dungeons relevant. It went away from the “raid or die” we previously had.

It made zerg meta worst and turned the game into an arpg

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No it didn’t.

And no it didn’t.

Just because you want to see how many buzzwords you can string together doesnt make it true.

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eSports isn’t the same thing as progression content

Outside of the MDI and great push, none of m+ is eSports.

I got a helm from the mega dungeon, but it might as well been a mog item since it was below what I had on.

Bosses should drop tokens that after a few you can trade to a vendor for an item that hopefully you can use or at the very least be an item for the mog.