Megadungeons always serve as a reminder

I wonder if it’s as bad as it was in SL when 75% of the player base started dropping group when the Lego they wanted didn’t drop. It got so bad that blizz had to move all the Lego drops to the last boss of every dungeon, lmao.


What’s your suggestion? So far nobody has put one in GD that didn’t just make it way easier or cause a hard stop much sooner than current m+ does. Neither is a great option.

People asked for 5 man progression content since vanilla. It’s convenience has always made it a popular request and they ended up with the most rewarding system in the end.


save yourself the trouble it’s another hollow brick wall you’re arguing against

As someone who does nothing but pugs, i have wanted to replace people VERY few times.

If some people like the timer and the way it is now.

And some people want timer removed completely.

There is no middle ground… If you remove the timer, half are mad. If you don’t remove the timer completely, the other half is mad.

Removing timer and allowing replacements would actually increase people leaving keys. As a poster said above in reference to legion legendaries.

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The timer is kinda the whole integral part to m+. Without it there isnt any actual hard stop point of the dungeon in reality.

Yeah but then you can just get new players to replace them without losing your key.

Eh if many leaves after a specific boss, chances are it just became a lot more difficult to replace that player.

How does loot work if you can replace a player mid key?

They moved gmod to jaina in lfr because of that.

Even if everyone leaves it’s like a raid isn’t it? You just carry on from where you are without having a Mythic raid specific lockout to those players only that participated.

Geez you got toasted.


People do this in Raids too, and I vastly prefer raids to M+

I would actually actively engage in Mythic dungeon content beyond once in a blue moon if it were all designed the way Megadungeons are instead of timed keys. All Blizz needs to do is add a new space in the Vault that gives 1 loot slot for full-clearing Megadungeon (and obviously make Mega Dungeon no longer count for the X M+ dungeons completed vault slot)

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raids are a bit different, people in pug go in and out all the time and it barely noticable in 25+ group.

But when you have just 5 people and most want to do fresh and run it all - it can be hard to find people for incomplete run

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by what metric? forum posts? This forum is not in any way a representation of the playerbase. a tiny, tiny fraction of a percent of players post here.


Notice how they never acknowledged that the reason they don’t have leavers, is because they run with a static group. Watching him try to cover his tracks was hilarious.

This guy has some major Dunning-Kruger effect going on.


What metric do you have that disproves what I said? Let me guess, Raiderio stats LAWL!!!

my dude, that’s not how it works. I’m not the one making claims of anything.

well, other than how few people post here in relation to the playerbase as a whole. I suppose that’s a claim


You still here having no argument except personal attacks?

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Only in your head.

You really need to calm down my man.

I based on the feedback that read on these forums, and outside these forums. Sadly, the handful of frequent posters that dominate most of the threads on these forums will say this isn’t true.