Mega Server Fix

I am not in the habit of supporting this ill-manored laissez-faire predatory tactics blizz takes advantage of, when they can make some type of effort to give a fair or balance quality gaming experience to us pvp players that actually care about pvp, and want to have a sense of community or use the AH, because there are items to buy, and sell. I paid a $15 sub fee, for a full game, not half a game. And now they are pretty much forcing to spend more money, to keep up with the crowd, that offers still half a game, because they refuse to step in, they have taken 0 steps to mitigate the issue, yet they finally mitigated the dungeon boosting “issue” why is that? It was effecting the overall gaming experience right? Server imbalances effect overall gaming experiences aswell there is no paid-service involved, where they can profit off of dungeon farming/boosting though.

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The fix is removing Layers and letting people sit in queue a few hours to consider other options. No server should be allowed to be so one sided.


i havent checked retail pop in a while but at the time factions were mostly balanced. just all the hardcore raiders on alliance went horde and left the non-raiders on alliance. and at the end of the day blizz cant really force people to play a way they dont want to.

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Oh, I agree. And yes, even the non-hardcore raiders have switched. At least a substantial number, for fear of not finding groups.

And as I have said earlier, this is a player created FOMO situation mostly. I am 99% alliance player and have been since vanilla. But I was almost close to flipping hord just for the ability to see content. That was on me, not blizzard.

I’m tempted to reroll fresh, but this is where Blizzard’s lack of a clear plan (other than pay to leave), or even basic communication on how many/type of fresh servers are coming, make that choice a significant risk.

Even fresh servers that have a significant population at launch may well be on fumes by phase 3 once the novelty is gone, and then what?

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Simple spit-balling suggestions to fix the imbalance issue, that strongly effects pvp servers
** (take these suggestions with a grain of salt, as they are “spitballs”) **

  • Xserver layering, of pvp servers (not really a fan of this suggestion but here it is)
  • Cap imbalance limits (25%?, 33%? 40%?)
  • Offer free Transfers to specific servers that that struggle with the same issue, to mitigate both server imbalance issues
  • Incentivize in some way the imbalanced faction (also not a suggestion i agree with)
  • LOCK Faction specific character creation, and server Xfers to the overpopulated faction on the server in query.

Retail does this, and yet the Alliance are still the minority faction. The only solution is forced faction caps.

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I completely understand this and others definitely do too, I’ve known many who have thIs opinion. Let’s just say that if Grobbulus as an option didn’t exist I’d be pretty unhappy, and still will be if Grobb changes and there is no other option.

I also really, really liked the mostly balanced PVP servers of Classic. That brought me back to the game I used to play. The mega one-sided servers do not do that at all for me and are basically like Retail for me.

With WotLK around the corner, it saddens to to tell you this, because I am proud that such a server exists, population numbers are about to jumble all over the place, and I doubt Grobb will remain the same, its risky business starting anew there with how poorly blizz cares to moderate the issue their ingame services store has caused on the gaming experience of classic. I made a post about this issue aswell, after chatting on this thread. Felt it was needed. Suggestions to Fix the server Imbalance - WoW Classic / Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

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You might be right about Grobbulus, it’s hard to say. Hopefully the people who have been working to keep it balanced can help it say that way but I’m a realist too.

I’ve spent the last year watching the fallout of the PVP servers and it’s bothered me a lot. Firstly, because I think what the servers were at the end of Classic with real faction balance and rivalries was far and above better/more fun than what we have now. Secondly because I’m empathetic to the issues so many players had during all of this. There were so many people on these forums showing clear frustration, even between the lines, and a lot of trolling to those people from some on this forum instead of much understanding back.

The only thing I did think was good is when BlIzzard funneled the dying servers which were mostly horde to Grobbulus and made that server balanced, although there were some downsides most of these people were happy. That was probably an accident but it worked.

Anyway I’m pretty much on your side and put a like on your other thread.


Um…why do servers need to be ‘balanced’?

Just make them all PVE and implement War Mode with no rewards other than Honor (just like you’d get if you were flagged).

If people want to PVP, they go and hop over to the War Mode instance of the world.

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Thank you for understanding, I too feel the sadness and empathy that blizz has reigned upon us with the evils of the ingame store services, that they said wasn’t going to be a thing, when classic first launched. It sucks to see it, but money talks…
P.S. I too am a female tauren druid. lol good choice :smiley:

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With the way classic wow is fixtured, youre stepping into retail territory with this idea, as your AH and player count for your faction will still be in barren territory, seeing as it is not cross-server, which is really like a taboo feature for the essence of classic wow, but I gladly welcome any suggestions on how blizz can remedy this issue on my previously noted forum post.

To be blunt: Don’t particular care. People are asking for caps, incentives…all to “balance the population”. That right there is a change.

It’s not going to happen. Not just because Blizzard won’t waste the effort, but because they know it won’t work.

They know it because they tried it in War Mode to ‘give the underdog a fighting chance’ and players still refused to sign up for the mode if their faction wasn’t dominating.

I [still] say do it so if one side is being jerks, the other side can just leave the scene without shelling out for a transfer. But no other incentive other than that’s the only way to earn honor.

((As in /pvp no longer works. This means no free caps for towers, too. Since no one can /pvp to ‘flag up’ to capture them.))

Nothing will work to ‘balance servers’. The only option is to mitigate the negative impact.

pull your head out of the depths of your hole

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We are beyond the point of no changes, when they added in mega servers and layering, this mechanic alone was and still is/are still being strongly abused, and yes it does have an effect on server economies. Blizz created the problem, least they can do is try to do somthing to mitigate it, as it is game experience ruining, just like dungeon farming/boosting was, yet they dropped a recent patch shaped around fixing that issue. I didnt intend to discredit your suggestion to fix it, but i feel that would get shot down because it essentially becomes the same as retail.

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Oh I know it will.

But that’s the only way to balance the servers out. The only other option is to go the route of EVE Online and make factions ‘backstory’; FFA PVP against anyone not in your guild. Let the players decide who they want to kill. xD


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