Mega Server Fix

There’s nothing to fix. Factions are just bad game design, and it took blizzard years to finally figure that out. They worked in vanilla because of how massive the map was, but once you started concentrating people into a tiny space in TBC onwards the obvious flaws in the faction system just became more pronounced.

Just let it be.


A solid recommendation for the faction imbalance issue, (which primarily targets and effects PvP servers more severely then PvE servers.) would be to add a faction imbalance limit by an XX% imbalance cap to just PvP servers, as PvE servers do not draw in players that are focused on open world PvP.

no actually people like pvp that’s why pvp servers are more popular. People just don’t like when it’s abused. PVP is not PK

clearly youre living under a rock, which is ironic you claim this, seeing as youre from the alliance side of the most saturatedly imbalanced pvp server, why even bother, when you can roll a pve server, seeing as that is truly what it is for your faction on this server.

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You can’t fix factions if there is just a binary choice. It’s even worse if faction swaps aren’t free. One is always going to be better than the other and players will gravitate towards the advantage. Once a population shift happens, like what happened with the horde you can forget it. The balance is gone.

The only way I’ve seen games balance factions is to have 3 to pick from, let people swap free of charge, and have pros and cons related to how popular or unpopular a particular faction is on any particular day.

Historically PVP servers became the least populated and numbered servers in wow’s history.

So, some people like pvp, not all.

If faction balance was a core classic tenant that blizz wanted to adhere to, the time to “fix” it was pre-launch of vanilla in 2019. It’s way, way, way too late.

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If people liked PVP, they would be on a balanced realm like Grobbulus — not Faerlina and Benediction.

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I’m very convincing.

remember that time blizz added increasing rewards for being in warmode on retail, and alliance had up to 30% additional xp and rep gain(as opposed to hordes 10%), and still none of them played in warmode despite factions being relatively balanced

i remember

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Member Lost Ark launch and their locked servers due to MASSIVE popularity and the outrage about not being able to play with your friends? I member.

Because the population shifted almost to the point where the alliance was outnumbered 20 to 1 in warmode. 30% wasn’t enough to offset the constant gang-ganking.

From the players perspective, it is a very important issue, because on 2 iterations of the game, the issue persisted, and of course blizzard sits back and does nothing, as they bathe in the easy money, abusing peoples lack of community foundation because now they have to dish out more money, just to play the full game, ive been on both sides of the faction imbalance issue, and it is not fun on either side, i came to a pvp server to pvp, whenever i want to, and dungeon or raid whenever i want to (or available). this is not the case anymore with how strong the imbalance is, I either get 1 or the other, or dish out more money.


Population caps…bad idea.

Incentivizing the opposing faction to re-roll on a pvp server? I think that’s a great idea. Offer each account a level 58 boost for the minority faction on these PVP mega servers. I miss world PVP, and I feel like a lot of other folks probably do too.

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please read

because they were. alliance just didnt do it. and it was as simple for them as clicking a button and enabling warmode

nobody is going to go hard against the grain in classic for a daily that gives honor/badges.

I’m sure most people agree with you, but it’s not as important as raiding, having a strong AH, recruitment, etc.

You have a second chance with the fresh wrath servers. Grobb is also pretty balanced, if that’s something you’re interested in.

im aware of grobb, whats hte point of starting anew, to have the same problem happen a 3rd time, and have to relocate once more? literally its a losing battle unless you spend money, its passively predatory. 90 days in after wotlk, communities will collapse, economies will be jumbled, all because of paid transfers.

But the factions aren’t balanced in a meaningful way. There has been a huge shift over the last few years. The horde dominates PVP and PVE. Where is the alliance? Are they just not doing PVE and raids? Who knows??

You say they just weren’t doing PVP, and you’re right because they weren’t. But the alliance fell off a cliff for Raids and mythics too. So there’s more to it than they just weren’t turning war mode on.

I’d still choose a mega server.

Sadly, the factions were not balanced. It has become increasingly difficult to find alliance side raid groups. Most if not, all have gone horde. Mass faction changes and all.