Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race

That was a big request— but not what we got. The request was for what Mimiron was and all of his kin. Not Junker Gnomes.


A big request… sure. There were certainly plenty of threads about it. Probably a whole 10 people or so who asked for it.

Care to comment why death knight was removed from their selection?

Because it made no sense for this group of Earthen, locked away for tens of thousands of years, to be DKs. They weren’t exposed to the outside world until recently.

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Wildhammers were a massive request? They were basically our equivilent to Forest Trolls and you know that’s a big Horde request. Lots of folks also wanted them to have druids as a way for dwarf druids

The requested mecha gnomes were the fully robotic Northrend ones like Mimiron, not the diaper gnomes we ended up with. That’s how dire Alliance allied races got, the fact this is “Earthen, the World of Warcraft creature that has existed since Vanilla” makes it a step above most of our ARs

I mean, not wrong on this, but Earthen were a requested race. They weren’t the most requested race, that’s High Elves or Vrykul, but they had a presence. But like… Furbolgs were more popular a choice than them. We’re not talking the creme of the crop here.


I know you have your opinions, I wanted to hear blizzards.

I’m still bitter that we didn’t get Drust. All they had to do was say there was a step between Human and Vrykul, so the Drust could be the same height as Zanda. There were some already friendly with the KT.

Instead… we got… whatever KT are supposed to be.

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Fair enough. But that’s my theory as to why. Some of us were pretty vocal about that back when it was announced.

Oh boy, another subsect of Dwarves instead of races people have been wanting to play for years. Even better that their starting zone has no mention of encountering people from either faction, so them randomly deciding which one to support remains utterly pointless and makes me scratch my head.


I hope it isnt as basic as you say.

Yupp. At least the Horde is getting another Alliance model along with night elves, female humans und now dwarves. But for Alliance players? Another f*** you after diaper gnomes and Kul Tirans, I guess. However, even from the Horde’s perspective, it’s just plain ridiculous to receive so much from the Alliance, but races that people actually ask for, like Ogres… who helped found the Horde… nothing.

Typical Blizzard.

It is. They might as well have started them at level 10, and had given you a quest to shove you off through a portal. It’s pretty badly written.

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Yeah, I remember on the old forums, where I posted on my Alliance monk Jinudah, I suggested in one thread that the Alliance’s allied races could include Northrend mechagnomes with a storyline about the gnomes using reverse-engineered Titan technology to mass-produce an army for use against the Horde. Then the name “junker gnome” was datamined and I thought “Oh, I guess we’re getting Mad Max gnomes”, and then I saw the preview of the Mechagon mechagnomes and my reaction was mostly a mixture of “That’s not what I meant” and “They look like they’re wearing little leotards”.

It’s not like the original mechagnomes weren’t possible, either, when virtually every argument against them went out the window with the addition of earthen. But in the end, I think we got the story of Mechagon because no one wanted to do a worgen allied race, the artists didn’t want to spend too much effort on a gnome allied race (the only other option), and the writers wanted to do a more “epic” story about gnomish transhumanism compared to the one we had back in Wrath.

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Hopefully its a place holder to hide some plot elements.

Im excited for them and i dont care for normal dwarves.


They start to forget their friends, their duties and themselves. Very dementia-like, as someone who watched a parent and grandparents fade away gradually over time with dementia it was a very sad quest chain :dracthyr_cry_animated:


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We just gonna ignore Void Elves, kay

Can it be stopped or reversed?

I always assumed they were immortal, there are very old earthern active as we speak.