Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race

It was just the one questline that I played through in the first zone, so I’m not sure. It seems like there are a lot of mysteries, and the Earthen themselves have forgotten or no longer have access to a lot of the systems and things that the Titans left them with.

If I recall, there’s a big memory database for all the memories of the Earthen, but the ones that are around currently don’t know how to access it. Maybe they’ll figure it out and un-statue-ify the ones that have gone into the water to lock up.

Then again, we never fixed Runas :cry:

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Can you make a small correction and trade Horde earthen with Ogres please? thanks


They were not requested by horde players.

This business of making only one new race and shoving then to both factions NEED to stop.

We need one race for each faction again like in TBC and CATA, and not just recolors/retexture, proper new races with new models

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What is there to explain? It is a THIRD recolor of dwarves. = cheap.

Also cheap, but not comparable. There was a model swap with void elves. Belves for nelves.
The Horde received the night elf model. The Alliance that of blood elves.
With dwarves 3.0 the Horde receives the dwarf model (and before that the female human model for Evoker). The Alliance… uh… who cares, I guess?
On top of that, elves are popular, dwarves are not. And as an additional point, you are comparing 4 low budget races at the start of BFA with just one for TWW.

Like… again… what is there to explain?

I don’t think you understand what “recolor” means, are Forsaken a cheap recolor of humans?

They got numerous customizations… that were taken straight from Blood Elves due to High Elf fans constant complaints. Blood elves got nothing.

You not liking dwarves does not make them not popular.

Them not being more popular than the two most popular races does not make them not popular.

Who said Earthern were all we’re getting?

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What are you even talking about, lol. Humans have a completely different model than the undead. Dwarves use the same model as Dwarves 1.0 and 2.0. What kind of comparison is that?

What does that have to do with the matter at hand?
4 cheap races are more than one cheap race… You do understand math, right?

If you want to claim now that dwarves are among the popular races… then we might as well stop any further discussion here. I should probably do that in general when I look at the way you respond. Sure, they are more popular than diaper gnomes and Kul Tirans… but that is a very low bar.

We get 1 race at the beginning of TWW.
We got 4 races at the beginning of BfA.
We got more races during BfA.
It is possible that more will come in TWW, but that is not certain.

4 is more than 1.
So I mean… sorry, but I will really spare myself any further discussion here.

What cuztomizations do they share?

About the same amount as humans and forsakens even though they’re the same base creature.

You’re complaining how Horde “takes” stuff Alliance and ignoring when Alliance did worse.

Thank you for admitting you don’t play the game.

4 alts of existing races with slight tweaks vs one with completely unique body and customizations, the issue here is you’re just blatantly throwing around “recolor” without actually knowing what you’re talking about.

And again, they haven’t said we’re getting more, but you’re pushing it like a fact and certainty.

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Will be promptly making one as I love Dwarves and I am eagerly awaiting all of the tears.


No, no, no — That’s Shadowlands.
We’re all collectively forgetting Shadowlands exists. :dracthyr_nod:

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A new playable allied race that nobody asked for.
Call me when you can confirm that Harronir are going to be playable.

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Can we please get Gnolls?


I think xpac after warwithin we are getting nerubians, either sequel xpac or late warwithin.


They aren’t known to be playable yet, I kinda hope they arent. But maybe when I meet them I will like them? regardless I want more monster races, night night elves dressed like they are going to a con.

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I have had a lot of fun messing with this race in the character creation, I love all the fun and cool look combos they have my favorite being the blackish colored skintone with red eyes and the white hair I love it. :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:

I also really love the racial mount I can’t wait to have it and use it on all of my characters. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Where Quel’dorei?

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Meet the Earthen?

If it is an Alliance Earthen, I may spare them a glance of acknowledgement.

If they are Horde Earthen… I will direct them to the nearest restroom, should they need it.

who asked for this.


it was me

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not like we need another elf adjacent race

As much as pains me, i rather have fifty dwarves than another elf


you asked for this? you asked to play as a rock?