The sudden removal of Earthen DK is a bit disappointing and has me needing to rethink what I was going to play in TWW. Don’t have a DK on Alliance-side and planned on rolling Earthen and just RP they’re from Northrend.
Obviously, no race can be every class yet, but everyone knows that - maybe with exceptions for Demon Hunter and Evoker - the reason we don’t have universal choices is because it requires extra work to create animations, totems, mounts, forms + customizations for Paladins, Shaman, and Druid. Restricting those 3 because of story reasons is laughable at this point.
Demon Hunter and Evoker are extremely specific story things. I get it, but I still think they should be expanding access.
It doesn’t require a major lore rewrite to say that occasionally an adventurer decides to learn skills that normally a Pandaren wouldn’t need. Just let us make the characters we want to make. Restricting Night Elf Paladins isn’t making more people play the game.
No fireblood or stoneform, already the inferior dwarf. Azerite surge sounds cool but the way that a dps racial is designed is it will either be OP or a waste of a GCD. Gimped out of agi buff from food, you should have the choice to still use food as many foods have different special effects.
It’s just plain embarrassing to present a third copy&paste version of dwarves as a “new” race. Especially for the Alliance, it’s simply ridiculous to get the same race three times.
The Alliance has people who would shart themselves with joy if our allied races included high elves, Wildhammers, eredar, leper gnomes, night elf worgen, emaciated humans, Light-infused orcs, Light-infused undead, and vulpera who are the exact same as the Horde’s but they’re pirates, while the Horde has people who want Dragonmaw orcs, gilgoblins, forest trolls, and blood trolls…
Okay, so utter hypocrisy and double standards are fine if they’re aimed at races that a loud minority has collectively decided to dunk on because “no one asked for them” (which is erroneous because earthen have been a semi-frequent request ever since they were at their most prominent in Wrath and Cata). Good to know
Lol I don’t think I’ve seen a single person ever ask for an Earthen over a Dark Iron, a High Elf, Ogres, Arrakoa, Broken, Taunka, Hozen, Jinyu, and so-forth.
If they were requested, it must have been drowned out by the more popular requests.
And I figured Earthen were most prominent in Vanilla, in Uldaman.
I don’t recall seeing them much after, the Wrath ones were metallic titanforged, not Earthen.
And Cataclysm, I don’t really remember them… Oh wait, Deepholm lol, yeah I remember now, and the stone troggs.
But yeah, they aren’t as desired as other races, I can think of several.
On the one hand, most of the races you listed aren’t even being asked about. I have no idea where you got that idea.
On the other hand, there’s a clear distinction between obviously popular races and obviously unpopular ones.
Dwarves rank among the least popular races, after gnomes and Kul Tirans, unless you count a handful of raiders. So the reaction was obviously poor, something Blizzard could have foreseen. As a company looking to make money, it’s idiotic to dismiss feedback like that. You should be accommodating your customers, not mocking them.