Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race

They cannot procreate. The titans made them and machinery can make more, which is consistent with what we’ve known about any and all titan constructs since WotLK. None of them are truly alive, as depressing as that may sound. That’s A.I. and robots for you lol.

If they were elementals, on the other hand, then it’d be different.

It’s really weird when I think of it that way. So how are they even dwarves? And why do they have facial hair ect… just probably to make them feel more playable to people who actually want to play them I guess lol.

I get it, don’t get me wrong.

But, I just think gameplay should be held above the lore in the vast majority of situations. I think we can live in a world where the gameplay doesn’t always have to represent the lore. And we’ve even had the opposite be true, where something is true in the lore but it’s not represented in-game – like certain races not being available to play for the playerbase.

Hell, they could even include a disclaimer for certain class combos in-game to signify this.

They absolutely are alive. :stuck_out_tongue:
Theyre living beings with their own thoughts and feelings.

The hair thing is a funny thing and I don’t think there’s really any reason outside of artistic choice.

But about dwarves – Earthen aren’t dwarves. Dwarves were originally Earthen that were corrupted by the curse of flesh. Over time they became their own proper species, fully capable of procreation and evolution. The same is true for all of humanity and gnomekind. Orcs, Ogres, Ogron, Gronn, and Magnaron were also originally spawned from Grond, a gigantic stone being made on Draenor by the titan Aggramar. (Although Grond is absolutely a different situation and I do think that it was likely organic or at least absolutely elemental).

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Well, yes of course. They are alive in the spiritual and emotional sense.

But I’m talking about the literal, biological sense. As an example from another franchise, Wall-E and Eve from Pixar are alive in that sense, but are wholly inorganic.

Having flesh and coming from a womb is overrated.
All a brain is is a fleshy computer.
If you think, and feel, and have free will, youre alive.

Why not? :stuck_out_tongue:
Its not real hair, its metal wires that they grow from eating different gems.
Even Earthen care about being fashionable

It is quite funny lmao

Because I’m pretty sure they truly do care about fashion lol. They have their own culture over at Khaz Algar, far more distinct from any of the other Earthen or titan constructs we’ve encountered.

There was one earthen npc i came across in dornogal who was excited to see what new cloak one of the high ups would be wearing. Or something along those lines.

Blizzard has done a great job of fleshing them out as their own unique race with their own culture.

The more we talk about earthen, the more bonkers they seem. Maybe they shouldn’t of been a playable race lol.

I think theyre great.
Might main one but ive not decided yet.
Their home and culture is really well done and very immersive.

For me at least, im very glad theyre a playable race.

For me, it’s why I play this game: because the lore is important and races aren’t just irrelevant skins. I get bored of Old Republic and the like due to that. Everything is the same. It’s just not as engaging for me.

No… not they should not have been. But here we are… lol

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I think they’re perfectly fine as a playable race, in particular considering the Earthen we meet in TWW are very distinct from any other Earthen we’ve met before. Culturally and aesthetically speaking, they are familiar but different.

Having said that, not to be that guy buuuuuut… I do think that they are a bit weak as an option for playable races. I’m much more of a fan of more monster-like races (Vulpera do not count imo), like the Arakkoa, Naga, Ogres, Tauren, Worgen, etc etc. The bipedal Nerubians wouldn’t have been a bad idea either. As far as less monstery races go? Ethereals, all the way.

But again, I don’t think the Earthen are a bad option, in particular because these ones are so much more distinct from the others we’ve met. If it were the other Earthen we’ve met, it just wouldn’t work at all. Other Earthen are very very very titan-aligned and do not really mingle with the mortal races.

I definitely think there were other options that would have been far better, also better from a marketing perspective. While I wish we got something else, I also don’t mind these Earthen specifically, again because they’re distinct from the rest.

Any other Earthen? Hell no; they look boring, don’t mingle with other races at all, and are just drones effectively. Dwarves are more interesting in general when compared to the OG Earthen. If anything, the original Earthen serve mostly as a means to make the backstory of Dwarves more interesting.

It’s also kind of funny that Blizzard went with them, considering how plain they are by comparison to, say, the bipedal Nerubians. It’s also funny going from getting the really interesting Dracthyr design, to getting what will feel like just a reskin to most people who aren’t into the lore.

We could of got Gnolls or Tuskarr since they are in DF. Instead we get another dwarf race :roll_eyes:

And I like regular dwarves and dark iron, but c’mon man.

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Blizzard really did them a disservice by showcasing them at blizzcon in full armor with no gems sticking through.

Back then i thought they were a redundant addition to the game if their unique trait was to be covered up by clothing.

Of course now we know that it is not the case, but first impressions matter.

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Are these new Dwarf customisations?


Unfortunately I never see them adding something like Gnolls, or Murlocs for that matter, purely because they’ve only ever been enemies and primitive ones at that. The most advanced we’ve seen Gnolls be was during Dragonflight, and NONE of them were friendly to us afaik. It would absolutely be cool if they did, though.

Regarding other monster races we’ve faced/interacted with, I could see them doing Furbolgs, although one could argue that they technically did an offshoot in regards to Pandaren. I could see them doing Tuskarr, for a variety of reasons, although they kinda missed their shots - maybe as an allied race and just have them use another race’s animations? Vrykul could also happen. Naga, Arakkoa, Ogres, etc could all happen too, but Blizzard needs to have it fit narratively. Idk why we don’t already have Ogres though, considering they’re canonically in the Horde. Drakonids would’ve been a perfect allied race during Dragonflight, in tandem with Dracthyr, but very unfortunately didn’t happen.