Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race

Yes. Yes I am.

Elves. Elves everywhere lmao.

I do like them lorewise ofc, but god damnit we could’ve had Naga MULTIPLE times now lol.

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Take this with a grain of salt. But back in BfA Ion was asked about playable Naga, and he said it isn’t going to be possible because their model wouldn’t support armor as a playable race. But then I look at Dracthyr lol.

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It’s funny looking back, because if you use the model viewer and put armor on the Naga they actually have access to MORE transmog than the Dracthyr and Mechagnomes do.

They mostly need work for the 3d elements of gloves and belts, but the shoulders work just fine. I think they could also make chest armor and some leg armor 3d elements work juuuust fine. It’s a non-issue at this point.

And besides, they could always give them a really weird fishy night elf visage form as well to help compensate.


Idk if you guys have played them on Beta but they’re way too tall. Like a male EDwarf is almost as tall as a male human.

I agree and I also wasn’t happy about the Dracthyr practically being Blood Elf 3.0 with wings but at least they also had a new model dragonform (even if I think it could have been way better).

But the real kick in the teeth is basically making an alliance character neutral. Now I understand that the Horde and Alliance got the opposite 2.0 skins but as someone who already has 2 dwarf characters I don’t want to make a 3rd so I can put rocks on my skin.
This is also after getting diaper wearing gnomes…

This would be more akin to a 3rd but neutral Tauren skin being released.

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It’s intentional from what I understand. Earthen are larger than Dwarves, from what I remember. Same goes for the titan construct vrykul and the fleshy vrykul (compared to humans).

I get that, but they went too far. It’s almost comical.


I like the size of them.
Theyre basically the exact height ive wanted for a playable race.

Hypothetically speaking, I’d be fine with them using the Tauren animation skeleton for something else. Namely the Broken, as far as races that aren’t related to Tauren go, although I think the Draenei animations would also make sense for a lot of them.

As for races that are actual relatives of Tauren? Taunka are canonically in the Horde still from what I recall, and I guess there’s the Yaungol as a neutral option.

That wasn’t really the point of using Tauren but I’ll play along :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d be down for anyone those options over another dwarf for me personally.

  • Broken I do agree Draenei would be better animations AND I’d have love for them to do that over the white washed OG skin we got!
  • Taunka are horde allied but there is some neutral they could go if I remember correctly but overall agree, would likely be horde
  • Yaungol are mostly enemies for all if I am correct, not sure if there is any neutral they could convert?

I’d be fine with anything that isn’t human-adjacent for once. Saberon or Arrakoa would’ve been a breath of fresh air, but nah, we here at Blizzard heard you like squat people with a little added flair.


I kind of wonder how many horde players wanted a Dwarf?

I’ve been mainly alliance since vanilla but I’d love to get me hands on some of those sweet sweet Horde skins that I could play within me alliance

I didn’t until they announced Dark Iron Dwarves but then they went to Alliance and while I absolutely love mine I would have preferred to have them on Horde so getting the option to have a super cool Earthen Dwarf on Horde is pretty big for me.


That’s cool, it makes me rethink my stance for the idea :stuck_out_tongue:

I do hope they release another neutral stone form that is also a Horde skin, Stone Tauren anyone :wink:


Them and/or Ethereal would be my top choices

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I love my Tauren and Tauren in general so I’d say yes to that without a second thought honestly.


You know what, if they didn’t want to balance the racials they could make it in the character creation screen 4 body types, 2 being dwarf, 2 being tauren.

I wouldn’t care if they did that either :stuck_out_tongue:


Im an alliance player these days but i flip flop between the factions depending on what they have to offer at the time.

I like having them on both factions as its the first neutral race that i actually like. So now when i want to play one, faction isnt a limitation.

Yeah I know that wasn’t the point of you bringing up Tauren :sweat_smile: but I LOVE them so much I just had to humor the idea lmao.

Yaungol are… generally enemies. We’ve had a couple of instances where there are neutral individuals, but other than that they’ve largely been hostile.