Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race

I dont think you even know what case youre trying to argue now as youre contradicting yourself.

But okay, you have some very strange standards that make you think that earthen arent really people in the wow universe.

But you cant complain about a reused model while saying you should have gotten high elves or leper gnomes XD

If you dont like earthen thats fine.
But there are those of us who do and im not sorry that we are getting a race thats not up to your strange and inconsistent standards


Then don’t level one. Amazing.


My main is a Dwarf and while I think Earthen are neat, I just feel they should’ve balanced it out with another race so people didn’t see it as “we don’t need Alliance races on Horde” even though Earthen aren’t actually Dwarves, and they have literally nothing to do with the Alliance.

I mean Horde got Blood Elves (who were part of the Human faction in WC) during the very first expansion, but Alliance got another race to balance it out in the form of Draenei.

Each expansion that adds races, has always added something ENTIRELY neutral (Pandaren/Dracthyr), or 2 races. This one is kind of an anomaly.


I think a lot of the opinions around the earthen will change once more people get to play the expansion and get to know them and their culture.

Right now a lot of the judgement of them comes from preconceptions and not from knowledge of the earthen themselves.


There were a few requests for Dark Irons on Horde before, y’know. Dark Irons came to Alliance. Not many, but, a few.

I reckon the reason is honestly how few of the Alliance ARs got rolled. We know the specific reasons but, BfA was right in the depth of “The vast majority of the US servers are Horde” so all the work that went into them didn’t pay off. So, they’re doing the ones now as neutral to try and get more folks to roll. At least that’s my theory.

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Its amazing how natural earthen look in orgrimmar


Most players don’t even read lore or pay attention to the story. They just mash buttons between dungeons.

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Forsaken say hello

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Yeah they should have done like they did in BFA and gave us Zandalari and Kul’Tirans on day one without having to complete the storyline of each race in the expansion

man no DK? that sucks

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Old fantasy trope about dwarven females

Honestly I don’t know if I care enough to get to know them. They just seem so boring lol.

Do you think lore should ever trump gameplay? I feel like this is a bit of a step backwards compared to their previous stance. Previously DKs were available to every race, but now they’ve moved away from that.

I get that the Earthen are inorganic and cannot be raised into undeath, but should that really matter? And besides, not all wielders of necromancy have to be undead necessarily. Historically DKs are always undead themselves, but what’s stopping Earthen DKs from being an exception? Lorewise, there’s already cultural differences between same classes utilized differently in different races.

They’re rocks, not flesh maybe? Lol

I’m aware of that, but that not the point. My point is that, what’s stopping them from being the one, singular, example of a non-undead Death Knight?

The use of necromancy and magics associated with it do not necessarily result in the user becoming undead themselves.

Definitely why this time around I’m not interested in beta at all… Been finally diving I to Cyberpunk 2077 and I’ve been hooked on it like old wow use to do me. Bullet time ninja!

I think you have to die and be revised to become a deathknight if I’m not mistaken. And that usually happens from other deathknights. Since earthen have been underground maybe they haven’t come into contact with death knights or the undead like other races?

I think it’s also to do with the fact that, quite literally, Earthen are inorganic. In other words, they aren’t alive. They are stone robots. I don’t even know if they have a soul or if it’s just programming and energy.

That’s why I was bringing up the idea of them being the single example of a non-undead DK. I’m not personally really miffed too much by this, but I do think it’s a little bit of a step backwards from Blizzard in regards to gameplay accessibility.

Other races all have reasons for being raised. AR even got their own new DK intro for storyline.

There is no storyline right now that makes sense for Earthen to be DKs. There is no way to raise new DKs either: sword is gone, artifacts are gone, helm is gone.

And I’m honestly tired of the nonsense class/race additions. So this change made me happy.

The one unique thing about WoW was always races having unique storyline for their culture and classes. Lore made sense once upon a time. Lightforged Warlocks and Man’ari Paladins have ruined that. But even they had a bs answer for it with “because I felt like it.” You can’t even do that with Earthen DKs. That’s not how stuff works.

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I agree with this actually, I was wondering the same thing reading your previous post. I’m not sure if we’ll ever get an answer.

Which even raises another question, do they procreate or do titans make them?