Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race

well didn’t ask but imagined it and they brought it into existence without me ever saying it to them
maybe i just tapped into the idea they were having actually and saw it
i don’t know

Rock Dwarves with Lightning Crackles!

Now I am thinking about Pop Rocks….


Pretty sure Dwayne Johnson asked to play as a rock.


there’s tons of races in WoW many players (myself included) have wanted for years. sethrak, mogu, mantid, saurok, taunka, jinyu, hozen, tuskarr, gilgoblins, leper gnomes, broken, high elves, ogres, arrakoa, drakonids, yaungol, tortollans, forest trolls, vrykul, steamwheedle goblins, the list goes on…

and instead they chose… this. they have no vision.


i would actually like all of those to be playable. maybe i just need to sit and visualize it and they’ll do it. i dunno. maybe i should do that.

I wish the earthen NPCs wouldnt keep calling my Earthen character an outsider.
Like, im literally from here.
Hope they change this but i dont think they will :frowning:

My Earthen fella.
These guys are really cool.


I mean cool but Gnolls when? :stuck_out_tongue:


I just did the korgran questline on beta and it was the most amazing yet heartbreaking thing i have done in this game.
Probably because it reminded me of my grandfather who had dementia and kept wondering off and getting lost before he passed.
But the questline had me crying like a baby.

I honestly really love this race.
Im shocked by just how much they have won me over.


They have a vision. It’s just vastly different from yours, which is why they chose a Titan-made race to star in the first chapter of a Titan-centric expansion trilogy instead of letting a few virtually unpleasable customers make their decisions for them.

It’s always hilarious when the people who dunk on races like earthen for scraping the bottom of the barrel turn around and say that Blizzard should’ve chosen races that scrape a different side of the same barrel.


for the record, i was just listing off various races that are actually races, and not robots made of stone. if your excited for earthen, more power to ya, but to me, they feel like yet another allied race taking up a slot that a race with actual lore could have filled… the other of course being mechagnomes.

Earthen have been given a lot of lore in tww.
Their culture and world seems very well developed.


again, i still just think of them as robots made of rocks. they can make-up all the lore they want for’em, but to me… i’m still not gonna care, and am gonna be disappointed.

what, are we gonna see earthen children? pebblings? old-man/old-lady earthen, with faded gems and… i dunno, chunks missing?

just… they are’nt a race. they’re elementals.

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So its just that you dont understand the race yet.

When you get a chance to play tww youll learn all about them and see how theyre a real race made of real people and not just robots :slight_smile:


again, they’re not a race. they’re elementals. races have children, and flesh/fur/scales.
it’s like calling androids a race, when they are’nt, they’re artificial, just like the earthen. they’re rock and stone shaped into a dwarven shape, and given ‘life’ via titan-magic. we literally saw an iron-dwarf making facility in northrend, earthen are just them, but smaller, and (relatively) softer.


I like how people have been clamoring for playable nerubians for years now and this expansion even gives us bipedal humanoid nerubians, but the allied race ends up just being dwarves again but worse in every conceivable way.
Never attribute malice where stupidity would suffice, but man you’d have to be really dumb to make it look this intentional by accident.


no one asked + ratio + ogres and ethereal playabe 100x better


So, you’ve already decided you don’t care about how they’re developed because they don’t fit your criteria for a race.

What is “actual lore” to you? High elves having the same history as blood elves but without the shift in allegiance to the Horde? Leper gnomes being regular gnomes until radiation drove them insane and made them look like boogers? Drakonid being servants of the dragons until a few of them decided they should be more than that?


Hey nice to meet y’all !

Can we get ogres now ?


yes, that’s lore.

i thought they were willing servants of the dragons?

sorta, but not really. i consider high elves the ones who left for outland, and didn’t become mana-addicted, stuck-up, crazy people. like vareesa windrunner, and the silver covenant. the ones who left, came-back, and learned that their people have become addicted to magic.

what i see as lore, and what others see as lore does’nt matter. what matters is how-well the lore makes sense. earthen are’nt born, they’re crafted fully-grown (unless they’ve changed that in tww, i don’t know) essentially, they’re golems.

like… i get it, some folks are excited to play as a walking talking piece of igneous stone, but to me, i’d rather have a race with lore that isn’t being made-up on the fly in the newest expansion. y’know, something with substance, that isn’t just a retextured version race we already have two of.

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