Medium pop still has login queue

Moved off Faerlina to Stalagg. I’m at 6hrs right now. 17 of us moved. What’s your counterpoint?


Just poor planning, well intended or not.

Thinking back through expansions to Vanilla, this game has had several bad launches. But every time there’s a thoughtful response and plan in place that’s woefully underestimating the players. Doesn’t really help things, and then there are several blue apology posts and so forth.

It seems that the better solution would be over-preparing on Blizzards part, even with a disclaimer or plan to merge lower population servers sooner rather than later when the dust settled specifically to avoid this very issue. Lesser of the evils maybe, but beats the hell out of queue’s. You are the developers and the engineers driving this thing we all want, but with respect I think more players would care about being able to play than Blizzard doing less to begin with because it was easier on them.

I have sympathy for the people that are now faced with the decision of waiting who knows how many hours or days if they can’t get in when they have time and are having to consider whether to play elsewhere solo or not at all. All the new realms help zero percent with this.

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Stop making new realms and increase the server population on the ones you already have. Stop giving preferential treatment to “popular” streamers and institute the afk timer back onto the Character Select screen.

You have all the technology and time to get this done right, yet it seems like you purposefully not doing it for whatever reason. No prior projection of realm health would work cause this is entirely an unknown unique circumstance to Blizzard alone. Just open the flood gates and reassess in a months time when the hype has leveled out, THEN do the things you need to do (new realms/transfers/merging/whatever)


Quit with all the deflective nonsense. All these decisions are made in accordance with the stockholders best interest. “Realm Community Well-being”? Get out of here with that. How well do you think those communities are doing with half the the “community” locked out and unable to play with their friends?

Not to mention, I can imagine being able to boast that “We have realms with over 20k people in Q” is a great talking point in your next shareholder meeting. Our “players” want to play our game so bad they’re willing to wait 6+ hours to get in. You are taking advantage of the nostalgia people have been bottling up for years and making a killing off of it. Penny pinching by not adding or outsourcing server space to protect your bottom line instead of your customers.

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You guys massively dropped the ball on this one but that’s par for the course when dealing with Blizzard. Every person on the planet knew you didn’t have enough servers to start with, we begged you for more and now we are getting servers added AFTER the game releases and they will 100% be ghost towns in the next few weeks/months. If you would have just released more servers at the start we would have a spread population and not 90% full and people refusing to leave because they KNOW it will NOT be a ghost town in 6 months. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT.
This is a “You think you do but you don’t” issue and it regards blizzard not knowing what their players want. Next time try listening to the players and not ignoring everything we say that doesn’t directly fill your coffers.

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I’d assume no one here who is reasonable minds a more clear indication of what servers have queues. At some point the #NoChanges thing gets ridiculous and I would consider this to be one of those times. Wish you guys luck and I hope we blew your expectations out of the water for Classic.

The upside is that I can at least get my stuff done in BfA while waiting for the queue due to having multiple accounts.

Lol shame on you for taking time off on launch week :joy::joy: dunno how people thought a world wide launch was going to be super smooth

So, umm, every time I recreate a character on a new realm, I play a bit, then logout and go to work.
When I get off work that new realm is now full with a queue.

This is horrible.


exactly. thats what you should do

if blizzard didn’t encourage people to settle on a server with a name reservation then i would agree with you. they need a blue poster to come out and say each character created between x and y gets a free server transfer token if thats how they plan to settle it. tell us now so people can spread out and play without worrying

this is 100% the way to go. clear up the problem in the short term and start brainstorming how to handle phase 2 given this botch job.

and also give everyone free realm transfers as a safety net imo

Just another failure of a blizzard “scaling” technology.


Isn’t there some way to set a lockout on new character creation by players who don’t have characters already, once queues on a given server exceed like 30 minutes? For example, Server A average queue time hits 35 minutes, then from that point on nobody who does not have characters on Server A can create new characters, and anyone else who tries is redirected to another server. The current queue times are insane.

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20k people wouldn’t be trying to log into the same realm if you just opened more realms to begin with. That would have been #nochanges.

Why are horrific launches just ‘the expected’ for WoW these days? Why does this always happen? How many launches do you need before you realize that you are going to have the same problems again next launch?

Tired of getting randomly disconnected only to be forced to stare at a login queue for half an hour that says “Estimated time: < 1 minute” before I can log back in only to find myself dead. Have you ever considered the possibility that the largest source of player drop offs after launch are from people quitting because launch is a terrible experience?


The launch was smooth, the launch is not the problem. He’s not wrong or mistaken for having an idea that server queues are literally so long that I can log into the server, go to bed for 8 hours, and still be in the same queue.

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I queued up at 3:10pm est today. I’ve given up for the night after waiting over 6.5 hours and still being thousands deep in queue. I’m up to 12 hours i the queue and 33 minutes of play time on herod.

I tried a few different servers where i know some people playing just to get a fix. Apparently all us east pvp servers are beyond full.

At this point it feels like blizzards failing on purpose


No, you don’t understand or you wouldn’t have dragged us through this horrible mess. You don’t understand that the game we’re paying for is completely unplayable. I entered the queue the moment I got home yesterday, 6 hours later I was only halfway through the queue, then I went to bed without playing. Today I logged into the queue from work at 1pm, and here I am at 7pm still unable to play, several thousand ahead of me in queue.

The new realms don’t fix the problem. You had us log in early and make our characters, we committed with friends and guildies to make characters on those realms. You should have added the servers then, but instead you added the servers too late. Now we can’t move because a select few in our friend groups don’t work and managed to get in early.

You had access to how many characters existed and on what servers, it is beyond me how this wasn’t foreseen.


To be fair it has kinda felt like that for a few years.


they cant even wait that long…lol.

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This might have been said already, but maybe you could set it up so we could play retail while we wait out our queue.
I just finished watching the original Amityville Horror, and now it says I’m only down to 3659 in line.
I could have gotten in an awful lot of bg’s in that time.