Same issue over on the one I just got on Grobbulus had some people want a ride, and to our surprise, no such luck.
Same. Just made this for my friend and had no idea it was broken. Devastated to say the least. Please fix this Blizzard!
I have the same problem in benediction server.
FWIW None of the passenger mounts work.
Passenger mounts aren’t working for me either.
Any update from blizz on this?
Ya happened to me too…sigh
I haven’t been able to find any blue posts on it that I know of. I first noticed it when I couldn’t kick the vendors off my traveling mammoth, but then I got my bike and the same thing happened. Hopefully whatever the cause, it is fixed before Ulduar because I can see that being a big issue there lol (ie getting into vehicles)
Just made mine…broken.
Blizzard I swear on my mama…if you don’t get your sh!t together with all these HUGE bugs…I’ma come flip some tables in your HQ. Seriously, between this and the portal to Moonglade not working, you got a lot of ACTUAL CONTENT, broken.
Another list of hotfixes, none to our vehicles
We’ll just keep blowing this thing up until they realize they need to fix things like this man. It’s broken content. Should see the issue with the Moonglade protal in Argent Vanguard camp. NPC STILL TO THIS DAY, does not open that portal. Essentially cutting off access to a swath of quests lol.
They haven’t fixed that yet either.
It’s almost like they never even tested the game?
Just saw a thread that says Heirloom 2ndary stats aren’t working either. These aren’t even small bugs Blizz…get it together will ya?
Still bugged with no response. Could we get a blue post to confirm this is being looked at?
Another list of hotfixes and it’s not there but heaven forbid the healers don’t get their dungeon boxes.
Bumping for visibility, this issue still occurs - made my mechano-hog today. I also have Tundra. Can’t have passengers on either. RIP.
How in the blue moon is this possible ? 10 years ago this worked no problem .
i guess blizzard is just Ctrl+C and than Ctrl+V the entire game from 10 years ago .
shame that we grinded all that gold and time just to have a buggy content …
Grinded engineering, reputation and hella gold to give noobs rides to places. I just got a poor lvl 10s hopes up while disappointing myself at the same time . Plx fix blizzard
This has been an issue on all passenger mounts since the beta with people begging for at least some acknowledgement from Blizzard across dozens of threads for the last month. I’ve stopped holding my breath.
Apparently the issue is that the vehicle passenger mount triggers aren’t even in the current client build, so it feels like something that will only get updated out of maintenance as opposed to a hotfixe. Maybe Tuesday /shrug
I have had an Open ticket about it, I strongly recommend everyone open a ticket about it as well, as it’ll be EVENTUALLY noticed.
But my ticket “average wait time” started at 9days. 5 days later and it now says 21 days. lol
Their response times are AMAZING, clearly.