Mechano-Hog Bugged Wotlk

It’s because the passenger parts of the vehicle API were never added to Classic.

I assume /leavevehicle also doesn’t work for similar reasons.

Blizzard please fix this

Yup as pointed out all passenger mounts not working properly since beta, tons of request to get a blue info and absolutely zero response. Everybody would understand a technical issue if explained but totally ignore the player base with a response is ridiculous. Reminds me on toddlers if they brake something and if you ask them they look down and no response, hoping you stop asking lol

More hotfixes, 3 weeks into release and still nothing, no response and its been reported countless times since the beta. Most mobs evade bad all over Northrend, tons of bugs they just turn a blind eye too, doesn’t even feel like a live-launch server half the time. Sucks.

Yep and raids buggy as hell Sph is still buggy and broken af, Kel’Thuzad still bugged, Malygos, you name it.
But yeah, another patch and still broken

Yeah this is kind of ridiculous. Been waiting for a blizzard response and nothing,


I opened a ticket and they immediately closed it referring me to some help sites that weren’t helpful at all. How could this not work, they’ve already done this expansion!

I just dumped all my gold into this mount specifically for the side car and I find out it doesnt work…

Had to quickly fix Deep Wounds but a blatantly broken mechanic across multiple mounts can’t get even acknowledged. Doubt it’ll ever work, vehicles work fine in WG but nothing on these since they’re player-owned. It’s probably working as designed and they didn’t want to tell us about the change.

10/17/2022 Hog not functioning as advertised!!!

Good news gang!
Finally got a reply back from the GMs (a week later)
Passenger seats will be fixed in tomorrows’ patch!


Thanks for your patience for this ticket to be answered. We have a lot of things going on at Blizzard and some issues here and there that are contributing to our queue wait times.

We are aware of the issue with multi-passenger mounts not showing the UI to eject the NPCs out and let multiple users onto the mount. This is also affecting players’ ability to mount up with things like the Mechano-hog and Mekgineer’s Chopper.

We have a hotfix going out… tomorrow I believe for this issue! We will not be able to provide refunds for these mounts, but we are glad to have a fix going out for this!