Mechanic burnout

Savage Peck, Deafening Screech, Gust, and Play Ball. That’s the entire fight.

You can’t count firestorm and galestorm as separate mechanics. They are part of playball.

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You dont tho? Im not running DBM this expac at all, mostly because Im too lazy to dl it, but if you do the mechanics in normals and go up from there, it’s very easy to familiarize everything.

The only thing that sucks is doing mechanics that HAVE DBM when YOU DONT because their spam says block their storm mechanic or any other mechanic as they are automated pop ups.

Edit: oh my bad think I misread your post


You make it sound like people are using addons and breezing through the content.


I agree that it is possible to play the game without the addons. But the fact that these players DO use them and the mechanics ARE getting more overbearing over time…something we can ALL see ourselves just by dungeon running a new character from start to current content tells the story.
Well it become evident that the addons ARE being taken into account…especially when you have part of the base complaining its too ‘hard’ (who ARENT using the addons) and another part of the base complaining its too ‘easy’ (who ARE using the addons).

If I hadnt used a couple of them myself for a short time Id not see the issue myself here, likely.
But i did. And I remember that flashing and buzzing going off every time something was happening to tell me to move.
That makes the game ‘easier’ and so in order to compensate, Ion makes it ‘harder’.
Then those who dont use the addons have more to keep track of when they DONT have the flashing lights and squealing sounds telling them how to play the game.

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And he’s probably one of the more fun bosses IMO. Nothing crazy, do a,b,c and win loots. GG

lol. When youre being told ‘jump’ instead of having to figure out entirely on your own…yeah, Id call that ‘breezing’ thru the game, personally.

Like driving my car and it warning me when to use the brakes and when to turn or accelerate instead of me having to figure it out myself.

But the game already telegraphs the information to you. You see it on any level of Raz PUG where the fight is absurdly telegraphed (most abilities have a several second long cast times) and people STILL eat the breath or get knocked off the platform.

Bad players will be bad no matter how much information you throw at them.


Im happy with the state of the game and the state of mechanics. Nothing to difficult, casters are at the top of the dps tier list right now. Get gud.

Yes there’s definitely too much going on. That’s why a lot of people, including myself, went to Classic. The game used to be about teamwork and cooperation, now they bloat every player with personal responsibilities that one death either automatically wipes your group or your group calls for the wipe because the dps won’t be there with 1 dead. This has been an ongoing issue since WoD when Mythic was introduced as the top end content. It slowly made its way into dungeons and now starting to slowly get into the open world. Do I think it’s a problem, yes and no. I feel like there’s definitely too much going on in raids and some dungeons, I don’t think it’s a bad thing that it’s making its way into solo content because it will force players to get better at the game and if they don’t want to they’ll be skill-gated from doing content until they get better, which is a good thing because it means less horrible players in M+ and less horrible players wasting time trying to get into progression raiding guilds where they don’t belong.

Playing a caster has always felt this way, as far back as Cataclysm from what I personally remember, that’s why in Cata they gave so many able to cast while moving abilities to casters during Cata. It got worse as those started disappearing.

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Then I take it NO raid /M+ group is making even a single demand that their players use ANY addons for mechanix…is that correct…or no?

Do you use ANY addons for mechanix?

Considering how impossible that is to enforce, no people aren’t doing that this tier. The only time in the history of this game where addons have been REQUIRED is when a mechanic asks for assigned groups on the fly within like 3 seconds like Painsmith or Azshara. There is not a single encounter this tier that requires such.

That is REALLLLY odd. Because I know Ive seen threads in here in the last year by players irritated that they were rejected from a group because of not having the addons required installed.

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Not over here but…

I do feel this. Mercifully im a Shaman and can swap to Enhancement. But casting in general feels bad right now.

It’s almost like PUGs can put whatever restriction they want on their groups. I could not invite you to my group solely because your character is a Vulpera if I really wanted to.

Having addons does not make you a better player. Again, as said throughout this thread, you have people WITH the addons getting the soak on Primal Council or any other boss (and you know they have some sort of addon because it auto types in chat bubbles of their head) and running to narnia with it and dying solo or taking 2 unlucky individuals with them.

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90% of them are interrupting things, or not standing in damage puddles.

If anything, they have been listening by making bosses less complex.

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Tell me you haven’t pugged a M+ without telling me you haven’t done a M+. No one is asking for addons to run those. You really haven’t played higher difficulty content, or you wouldn’t be posting on an alt complaining about something you don’t understand.


I feel like all the M+ boss fights are fine and not over-tuned. I’m a little overwhelmed with trash pulls in M+ though if I’m being honest. They’re not super fun, but maybe later in the season I’ll change my tune when I have better gear.

It gets better with gear, problem seems to be pugs are still super behind. I’m like leagues ahead of everyone unless I’m with my main group.

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what Ive done…son…isnt relevant.
and since you cant stick to the TOPIC and off my person you are perma blocked :wave:

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