Why is more mechanics bad? I find it extremely fun, especially when dps gets to do it.
Just dont fracking suck. Its end game content for a reason. Too hard? Go back to low mythics to get better. Cant do something? Practice it. It’s the same shiz in final fantasy 14.
People crying about mechanics is the saddest shiz Ive ever seen. Id rather have more than few with mechanics as it gives me more to do than fall asleep at my desk mashing the same old rotations.
Honestly, befuddles me so hard how people whine about problems they can simply avoid. World boss mechanics too hard? Hit them once or twice then chill somewhere safe, nobody gives a shiz.
I do 10+ keys all the damn time and I dont use DBM cause its NOT NEEDED AT ALL. If anything people with DBM are fracking annoying cause they spam the say chat with the stupid “i have square come to me circle” but that shiz blocks the actual storm symbol so I have to spend extra time making sure it isnt the same as mine.
DBM is for people that fracking suck at the game haha. If you run it, you suck or youre lazy.
It’s a raid… Why the heck are we at the point where a raid, end game content, is too hard because of easy to do mechanics?
The ONLY people Id ever see crying about mechanics and difficulty would be healers. Every other role is face roll easy. Healers? No matter how EASY mechanics or a boss is, there’s one big dumbo who’s standing in fire tanking insane amounts of dmg and you have to worry about keeping that moron alive vs the rest of the raid or group
Not bragging, moron, Im stating how easy the content is and how wide and varying it is for people of all levels. I do 10s cause I dont wanna try hard. Its mechanically good enough to not be boring but easy enough where I can dps without worry even if I stand in stuff cause I can pop defensive cds and live through it.
Doragosa has three mechanics she actually casts on live servers. Astral Breath, Arcane Bomb, and Power Vacuum. All other mechanics are incidental to those three abilities. Checkmate.
Having multiple mechanics is different from having multiple mechanics that actually matter. Sure, a fight like Granyth technically has more than 3 mechanics, but it is a fight that is literally kill adds and click ballistas on cd.
The second boss of RLP also has a “long” dungeon journal entry, is also extremely simple and has like 3 abilities listed just for the tank buster.
Having a bunch of mechanics doesn’t make a fight hard otherwise fights like Hellfire Assault from HFC would be one of the hardest in the game because of how long that dungeon journal entry is to account for all the adds.
Hey, they offered an answer, I was just explaining why they were incorrect about Terros only having 3-4 mechanics
Personally I feel like WoW’s biggest issue with mechanics isn’t density but telegraphing and lack of antepieces (which admittedly Terros is good with, although I do still get an occasional lemming who doesn’t understand what a stack marker looks like, they really should have the miniboss before demonstrate one)
It’s why I think the Kurog fight is so good, with maybe one exception, EVERY mechanic has a previously seen telegraph or callout that lets you intuitively respond even if you don’t remember every mechanic.
It’s also why I think people are having such trouble with Razsageth’s first phase in LFR: if the fight opened with a weaker but full platform cloud and a very mild pushback to demonstrate “you want to be in the bad-looking bit when she does the hurricane”, and a better telegraphed breath line, it would let people understand the mechanics a bit more intuitively
And yet people still run to narnia with group soaks and die. It’s honestly impressive at this point.
Is it perfect? No, nothing ever is, but it is way better now on what you have to do for certain mechanic tropes than it was pre-legion.
One change they should still make, and this mainly applies to M+, is visually show what enemies can be stunned or not. They already have an indicator for unkickable casts, but knowing if you can stun something or not before throwing a HoJ and finding out the hard way is something that would be nice since it isn’t always super obvious.
I’ll add to it: conal areas of damage that actually match the visual. instead of having to repeatedly say “it’s bigger than it looks” just make the two things freaking match.
The fire miniboss before Council has the exact same mechanic as the boss with the same visual and everything and people still run it out to the middle of nowhere. The visuals on explicitly soaks has been consistent since Legion and Tomb of Soakgeras.
I’ve been saying this for a long time now. Anyone who likes the game in its current state, will inevitably burn out due to the non stop stress filled content over time. Might not be this xpac, might not be the next, but it will happen to everyone at some point.
Unless you’re getting paid to play this game and compete as your job, the rest of the people are simply looking for a game to play and unwind with after work or family obligations, and this game is the farthest thing from doing that.
You can only push m+ for so many seasons before you just realize you’re on an endless treadmill that leads to nowhere except your life passing you by