Mechanic burnout

Agreed, I’m INCREDIBLY worried for next season’s dungeons. The only way to save it is having maw of souls and freehold in the rotation for fun/fast keys.

Azure this season is probably one of the worst dungeons ever and it only really shows at like 15+ since the ring adds have 5 mechanics each that all CC or one shot or CC into a one shot for 10 seconds.

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“Screw that guy in particular.” that phrase is my spirit sentence, pretty much every raid boss in SL i was the guy they screwed, i rarely had time for bosses.

So much so that RL literally said “several mechanics can be ignored because → is with us, once he’s dead then deal with the mechanic.” Stone Generals in general always gave me the soak/glaive combo.

Personally I don’t think it got too bad until WoD. There was a fight here or there, but for the most part you could do most of the raids without anything other than a boss mod

They want so badly for WoW to be an esport.

So far I greatly regret having chosen ranged for DF and am evaluating whether to just unsub or reroll melee. I’m kinda over it all.

It’s so bad my 25 person raid now has a grand total of 2 ranged DPS and “ranged soak” mechanics are completely broken as a result. No one wants to play ranged and languish mid-tier or lower on the meters. They all rerolled melee but I stuck with ranged and now am the idiot for having done so.

What a mess they’ve made.

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Raid teams are literally sitting ranged for progression fights now. They just can’t contribute to the degree that melee can.

Unless they are a baller Arcane Mage, ranged are generally a carry for important DPS checks in DF.

I’m glad others have also concluded that WoW is now a messy graphical bonanza.

When my wife sees me play this game, she says “I don’t know how you can tell what’s going on, that looks like a mess. Which one is even you?”

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Yeah, I first noticed it starting around the Legion era, but it became much worse in BfA and Shadowlands.

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Would love to see more variety and creativity. I agree on the mechanics, so much going on its not fun… and then all the movement of just jumping out of or into a swirly… just not creative.

I’d rather have mechanics that don’t involve everyone do this or wipe… more mechanics where groups or solo people have a different job to do, or the fight is a little hard, or last a little longer.

Say for instance, we have a jewel slot, and if you all equip a special item, then the bosses have less dmg on some hits… or you start the dungeon with 2 groups in different areas that have to fight to open a gate so they can then both engage the boss, if not only one group fights and the other has to watch.

Or boss events that favor some classes, or abilities that are not just dps, tanking or healing… have a support class that can provide something.

Be creative, Blizzard is stuck in a rut, and the min/max’ers have figured it out and now we are all just trying to get to the meta… and it makes us chase dps meters constantly… make the game fun. If I want to be in a mid level dps class, but I know I can turn myself in to a lamp and thereby help on some fights that the boss does not register inanimate objects… yay!!

nah, the circles have just gotten bigger (j/k) but ya its kinda getting whacked of late

I had a similar thread at the start of Shadowloands, also similarly popular.

And probably will also fall on def ears. Although I think they have toned down the CC some.

I would add that a recent innovation, or more accurately, unfortunate evolution, is the effects are becoming more 3D. Maybe it’s because designers have a new toy to play with, maybe it’s to make them more visible. But in the end they’re just overpowering and hiding everything else and intermittently blocking your camera.

Uhhh MOP anyone?

I decided to cancel my sub. While I am making progress slowly, as the difficulty increases, it feels like Mythic+ was designed for 20 year olds who have the Mental Stamina for so much mechanics vomit. I’d love to see the average age of players with high IO, I bet it’s mid-to-late twenties. Just feels like the mechanics vomit is too much for my aging brain.

I’ll login in a bit in the coming week, but I think I’ve had enough of this game. Think it’s time for some single player games where I won’t have a massive headache by the end of my play session (and no need to grind it like an addiction).

It felt that way at the start certainly, but as I’ve gotten used to mechanics and new versions of talents and where my instants are it’s not so bad. It’s not always fun but it’s just better than it was :joy:

I know some people thought MoP was a lot of mechanics, but I didn’t feel like it was. I thought it was fairly balanced, especially ToT(outside of Lei Shen) and SoO

Bro, it really isnt hard. I dont use dbm at all. If you’re melee dps, stand to the side of the boss and dps. As easy as that. Keep an eye out for mechanics. After a while, rinse and repeat.

It’s hella easy. Super god damn easy.

The HUGE problem is they make it difficult by making every single particle effect or effect color of the spell the god damn same as the environment so you cant freaking see what’s going on. It’s insanely dumb. Literally artificial difficulty.