Mechagon not unlocking

I am trying to figure out where I am stuck for unlocking mechagnomes.

-I have The Mechagonian Threat completed on my horde character.
-on my lvl 60 Alliance priest I am friendly with the 3 reps needed
-I have completed the quest that takes you to Nazjatar to the point of opening up the portal back to SW
(no other quests are showing up there)

I have been looking through wowhead and forums here trying hard to figure out why. Its taken a couple weeks to get the King Mechagon kill and had to bribe someone with gold to run me through.
This is ridiculous at this point. Please can anyone help me?

You don’t need to do the dungeons anymore. There is a skip you can use at the quest giver if you click them again.

As for where you are - You usually have to head to the Embassy to pick up the allied race intro quest. You can only have one of those allied race quests lines going at one time so if you have another char unlocking another race - and are on an embassy quest line, the new one won’t show up.


Ok I do have dark iron dwarf quest there and will complete it and see if that works as a solution, and will update
Thank you for helping me out Mirasol, I hope it works!

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Excellent! Finish that quest line first. You will need to finish all of them. See if it allows the Mechagnome quest to be given when you are done the quest line.

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unfortunately this did not solve my issue.
When I click on the allied race flag for mechagnome both requirements are checked off and green.

Again I unlocked The mechagonian Threat on my horde character. And from what I am researching it seems I need to at least unlock mechagon isle for this allied race quest to show up in SW

My issue is that I have done everything I am suppose to do to get to mechagon, but the gnome that leads me there is not appearing in boralus. (which i believe is called ‘fame waits for gnome one’)

When you’ve done “enough” of Nazjatar, there should be an NPC someplace with a cookie crumb quest directing you to pick up that Mechagon entry quest. That’s how I know I’ve done enough to get there.


I read about that and how people needed to kill 15 naga for a quest they get and then that for whatever reason lets the mechagon quest happen.

I went to Nazjatar, and did all the quests leading up to Jaina opening a portal back to SW. But there are no follow up quests at all. I tried leaving and coming back, Ive tried setting it to warmode like others suggest, nothing.

I am so lost, and its weird that things are this complicated?

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Make sure that you have low-level quest tracking on too. See if that happens to help locate some additional quests.


I have low level quests enabled and have looked very very VERY carefully so far, yes

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This WowHead guide

seems to indicate that the development threshold in Nazjatar to unlock the beginning of Mechagon is when you’ve done the quest chain that unlocks World Quests in Nazjatar. Have you done this yet?


Ok! This so far has the best chance of creating a solution! I thiiiiiink I did not finish the Heart of Azeroth questchain?

I will update shortly after finishing it and I hope to have good news. Thank you Sniperorc!

EDIT update: I am now on the quest to take me to mechagon so technically this thread has a solution. From here there shouldnt be an issue with getting the robognomes

thank you all who helped and THANK YOU SO MUCH SNIPERORC! That link lead helped me indirectly so hurrays!


I was just about to jump in on that. Yes, you currently have The Legend of Mechagon. You should just need to quest up to Welcome to the Resistance. Once you to that you should be offered the quest “Urgent Care” to start the process of inviting the Mechagnomes into the Alliance.


FWIW, the complicated nature of the race unlock comes from the fact that all of this was the main content for a major BfA content patch, and it was originally envisioned by the devs that the players would just be doing everything available because it was literally the only thing to do. The allied race unlocks were essentially “bonus” to completing the feature progression of Nazjatar and Mechagon.

If you just want a minimal path to the allied race, a lot of that same content is superfluous and confusing.

That’s how it is with old systems in prior content.


I actually had to go through this process recently for the 5th time and from what I can tell, you don’t need any reps anymore. All that’s actually required is to complete the story including doing the Magni questline (this is the part that most people miss) and unlock WQs in Nazjatar. Do those 2 things and you should receive the breadcrumb to start unlocking Mechagon.


I believe you have to complete the questline on an ally character. although i just completed it, and didnt get the pop-up either nor am i working on allied race unlock -.-