Mechagnomes...Death Knights?!?!


Let’s blame blizzard for not tossing a cosmetic option for gnomes in general!

Mechagnomes aren’t fully mechanized.

out of all the alliance allied races they have the best racials for dk.

And yet wear diapers

Doesn’t matter, lore bends to facilitate gameplay

Accept this

I want Eredar Dreanei warlocks and I. WANT. IT. NOW!!!


me too, would be much cooler if they were totally robotic.

Not me. I would be the one mad at getting Mechagnomes as an AR if they were fully mechanical.

The current mechagnomes are 10000% more interesting and better.

Blizzard: Lore?.. whats that? Sylvanas you say?

Would a mechagnome frost DK be considered a refrigerator knight? Or an air conditioner knight?

The heritage set does give those who want it the appearance of full mechanization. We do have choices.

I was doing the Gnome heritage on PTR with a race changed Kaznarok, I’m probably going to go Mechagnome Warrior when they hit. I dunno why but I liked it.

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Undead cyborgs. Just let it happen.

I mean, it’d kind of make sense, why continually replace rotting flesh with more rotting flesh when you can simply upgrade to metal?

God I now want a Cyborg Undead Forsaken with a Mohawk and Guitar axe. I shall call him, Metalhead.


Robocop was an undead cyborg.

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How does a Gnome become a Mechagnome? There’s you’re answer.

We need to use their proper name…

…Diaper Gnomes.

Mechagnomes are abominations unto the Light AND science.

The Scourge/Deathknights use Abominations which are an affont to both The Light and science.

Makes sense to me.

As long as you leave their heritage armor on you can pretend they’re robots:

never been a fan of gnomes, but I can say that heritage armor mechagnome is pretty rad.