Mechagnomes should have all classes

They should be the lone race in the game that’s Borg-like, allowing them to have access to every class through some type of machine-learning / AI


I am fine with them having All Classes, so long as i get my autobot class. Gnomemagnius prime, transform and roll out!!


Draenei Rogue too



They have individual personalities.

Hence “Borg-like”

They’re not at all like Borg if they are individuals.

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Borg-like, meaning some qualities but not all.

Outside of DKs and DHs I’d agree with that

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Yeah I think perhaps you’re right on that point. Might be too much of a stretch. The druid skins would be relatively easy since some forms already appear in Mechagon Island.

I mean realistically they could probably do DKs when I think about it. Not much of a stretch to say that some DK gnomes lost some limbs in combat and needed replacements. But DHs might be a stretch

True. So what if they had all classes available except DH at the start. If the player levels a mechagnome from 20-120, they can unlock DH for future mechagnome alts? Kind of like the mechagnome is learning the one class through immersion.

Also, allowing them to be all classes - paired with the OP self-heal racial - they could potentially balance the factions.

As little as i care for mechagnomes, a race of cyborgs capable of replicating all forms of combat makes sense to me. It would likely be the only way mechagnomes dont compete with kul’tirans for the least played ar race.


Also, if they just completely remove the organic skin from the design and go straight robotic, I’d be even happier. Right now this “diaperbaby” meme just makes their charisma go down the toilet…or should I say Diaper Genie?

If only we had gotten spider gnomes.


I mean, YEAH! There is so much the devs could do with a Borg-like race and it feels like a missed opportunity right now. They could in-game meme other races (think Transformers) on a random timer. But most importantly - they should not have any biology - it should be all robotic.

Nope…sorry, but gnomes, and by extension mechagnomes can NOT be Paladins.

To be a True Paladin one must have a deep and fervent connection, some would argue bond, with the Light. (The true Light…not that mechanical stuff you gnomes whip up in your techno-labs.)

*It also helps if, as a Defender of the Light, one is capable of standing face to face against the Darkness without getting punted for a own-goal. Just sayin’ :slight_smile:

or they could just capture a Naaru an force it to give them his power

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Well, some of the models do have biology and only robotic limbs. The request by players for robot gnomes, real mechagnomes, was ignored.

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I don’t think they need P.E.