Mechagnome Threat Completed, But Cant Pickup Allied Quest

OK, completed the Mechagnome Threat achievement way back in BFA, but even today I am still not able to pickup the allied race quest to get them.

I submitted ticket and none of the customer service reps seem to want to help. I was told to submit a bug report on the forums. For what ever good that is supposed to do.

EDIT: NOW I am being told that the error is caused from moving characters from one BNet account to the other… WRONG… I have NEVER had those characters on another account and this is the same account I have had since the games launch. Are you all even trying to help a loyal customer out or just passing the buck… This is sad…

EDIT #2: I keep being told by different service reps that. You are at X point in the questline. See Wowhead. Each one telling me a different point in the URGENT CARE questline that I have never been able to pickup… Going to Wowhead matter of fact tells me to run this script to see if I have completed the Urgent Care…
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(58214))
it returns FALSE…

There are other requirements currently other than the one you got. My suggestion is to just wait until next Tuesday when the new patch goes live and you can get all the races as allied races without all the hoops to jump through anymore…as long as you have a level 60 character already.

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It’s not that they don’t want to help, but it’s considered a game hint. They are not allowed to guide you.

Typically, the cause of this would be that you picked up the questline in the past and abandoned it, or you have started another allied race unlock questline (and possibly abandoned it).

Another requirement (currently, see below) is that you have done the intro questlines to unlock Nazjatar and Mechagon.

I would suggest this, too.


Did you do it on a horde toon or allied toon i think it has to be done on a alliance ton.

Let me try to clear up some of the responses. The first response you received is just a generic automated reply for basic quest/gameplay advice. It is provided to help direct folks to various resources to help in a myriad of areas. If that does not help, reopening your ticket, as you did, would be a good next step.

For your second reply you were provided an outline of the criteria needed to unlock the Allied Race. You were not told to submit a bug report, you were told that if you encounter a bug, please submit a bug report so our QA staff can look into it.

Now for the other replies that suggest different quests to be completed, it’s a bit complicated. You don’t have Urgent Care completed, which should be the first quest available, but the Game Master’s that followed noticed you had some quests in that line complete, so they suggested completing on that you had not yet done but they show should be available.

From what I can see, you have the quest “Someone Who Can Help” from Kelsey. She has the quest for you in Boralus.


You can certainly try picking that quest up and seeing if you can complete the quest line. It is possible that you already started the quest line at some point in the past but may have faction changed after, and something was lost.

Alternately, you may wish to wait until next Tuesday as Jetsum recommended, when the new patch goes live.

Now, a little clarity on how we generally operate. When looking at your character, if you otherwise seem to meet the criteria but cannot pick up the quest, it usually needs to be looked into by our QA department, which requires submitting a bug report.

A Game Master cannot reset a questline to try and resolve an issue. We don’t know what is currently causing your issue so randomly resetting or clearing quests could do far more harm then good.

I am sorry for what frustration you may have experienced here. Hopefully, you can simply pick up the next quest and complete the quest line. If not, please submit a bug report.


I took a character I have never played during BFA and used it to do the quest. I had to do all the intro quest as well.

DURING doing the questline I found what the issue WAS… There was a quest to go get some items from various mobs. One was to collect things from various mobs at the Junkwatt Depot. The mobs would still phase in on my bugged characters, but since I didnt have the quest and could not pick up the quest. I could never GET Urgent Care as I never finished that far into the intro quest. This could have happened moving the character from Aliance to Horde at the time or vice versa. SO the server thought I was still on the quest and doing the quest, even though I no longer had the quest. THIS WAS THE PROBLEM.

SO during the back and forth with customer service reps giving me excuse on top of excuse and excuse. I just ran the freaking quest all over again on a new character…

No wonder the company is falling apart if so galled game GMs cant even just do a simple thing and fix quest when a player is stuck… GG…

SO TLDR: The GMs didnt help. It wasnt anything I did to get stuck on. I just ran the entire quest chain from start to finish again on another character that had never played during BFA to fix the issue…

That sounds incredibly frustrating but if you stop midway through a quest chain and faction change or forget where you were, that is on you.

I am going to assume that with main areas being affected each time a new expansion comes out that being midway in a major quest chain is more challenging than “just reset it”. I’m not an expert, mind you but I experienced something similar a while back and basically back traced myself, quest by quest until I found my break. It took hours but I found it.

I have a bad habit of starting things and then getting distracted so I try to not do that anymore. I have phased myself more than once.

GMs can’t give hints because they aren’t allowed. And layers of time phasing probably make this challenging to fix it for you.

It sucks you had to restart but it was probably the right way to go. I’m stubborn too and would not have waited for Tuesday. :wink:


I didnt want to spend the extra $10 bucks since things where on sale… LOL Between two WoW Tokens and two faction changes this month. I figured Bobby already got enough money from me.

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Extra $10 on what? Tuesday is patch day, which brings with it fully unlocked AR if you have a level 40 character. There’s nothing to purchase.


I just found out from the patch notes that it’s a level 40 character.

All Allied Races can now be unlocked once you have a level 40 character on your account


Was an Orc

Originally it was stated that it would be a level 60 character required. I’m glad they changed it to 40 though for those who are just starting to play the game.

The notes say “was level 50,” which is what I thought, but didn’t want to say anything until I was sure. I’m also glad that they lowered it!