Mechagnome Shamans please!

Shamans are about controlling elements. Guns and technology do it already.

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It isn’t for the same reason it isn’t appealing to the druids.

Mechagnome druids would be great to you could have mechagnome transformers.

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Still waiting! I love lore references so feel free to share. :slight_smile:

I didn’t care about this until I read this post, Now I want this!

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I mean a field of baby arms and legs isn’t exactly what I had in mind but hey, whatever gets this done.

YES PLEASE!!! Gnomes need another healing class (along with Goblins needing monks).



They’re metal but they’re still totems. Technology enhances their shamanism, but it’s not their source of power.

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In what way is electricity air?

I’m not sure about Shaman (though its my favorite class), but Paladin could and SHOULD work, mechagnomes need something to set them apart from regular gnomes that isn’t just customization options.


Ok that made me laugh. Thank you


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If you go back and do the Al’Aqir fight you’ll see how WoW connects Air + Lightning in-game.

Shamans can also talent in to “Storm Elemental” to replace their Fire Elemental which “Calls forth a Greater Storm Elemental to hurl gusts of wind,” which while is active it buffs your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells.


All AR’s need to have a class their core race counterpart doesn’t have, otherwise you’re just giving customization options and if that’s the case Night Warrior NElves should be its own AR.


I actually thought they said originally Allied Races where to open up class race combos that weren’t originally available to to core counterparts…

Guess that went out the window for some :man_facepalming:t4:, Atleast Mag’har got Priests and Zandalari got Paladins… Dark Irons did get a awesome reskin of Paladin Ram though…


Air and electricity may be used together, but that doesn’t make them the same thing.

Maybe read the through the thread first?

True. I figured they never would but it would actually be really cool.

Congrats, that’s one way to generate it, but as i said, air isn’t electricity itself. You can also use water to generate electricity. Last i checked, I’m not drinking 120V whenever im thirsty.

That seems a little pedantic for a fantasy game.


Furreals way to get hyper literal lol Next someone is going to complain about “how exactly does Light heal? I stared at the sun for an hour that time I sawed my arms off and if anything it made it worse”