I would totally roll a mecha shaman.
I would totally roll a mecha shaman.
Seems a bit of a stretch to call an apple a shovel regardless of situation. You could have easily said the element correlates to pressurized air or something like that. Using electricity is just wrong and trying to defend your statement on the basis of it being a fantasy game is just being stubborn.
Lightning (and thus electricity) in WoW is derived from wind, whether you like it or not.
Who is being stubborn here, really? Projecting much?
I laughed. I count myself amongst the chosen few looking forward to Mechagnomes, but I can’t reconcile Mechagnome shaman with the lore. I support your right to ask though!
They make contracts with the elements, as shown with that goblin shaman in Deepholm and later on in Twilight Highlands.
Magmatooth yells: This is not in my contract! Die,
Magmatooth yells: NOOOOOO! You tell Goldmine he’s a dead goblin! Our contract is over!
Most do. However Lightforged Draenei and Highmountain Tauren have less. Dark Irons are the same as regular dwarfs as of 8.3 / shadowlands. Void elves also have less than blood elves.
Note: For this list, I will be including DK’s for allied races, since they can be DK’s come 8.3 or shadowlands (depending if you have preordered or not)
So Lightforged can’t be shamans and monks
Highmountain tauren can’t be paladin and priest (which seems weird, since they revere An’she as well, surely regular tauren can teach them to be sunwalkers and seers).
Void elves can’t be paladins and demon hunters.
Mag’har can be priests instead of warlocks.
Nightborne can be warlocks instead of druids and demon hunters
Kul Tirans can be shamans and druids but lose Paladins and warlocks when compared to regular humans.
Zandalari can be paladins but lose warlocks
Vulpera can be monks while goblins can not (Vulpera use goblin skeleton).
Mechagnomes can be the same as gnomes.
Dark Irons can be the same as Dwarfs.
But I agree, Allied races need something that separates them from their regular race counterparts. Having a class their counterpart can’t have is a great way of doing that beyond some visual changes.
To the people who say “Goblins can be shamans so why can’t gnomes/Mechagnomes” don’t really understand the lore.
I really am getting genuinely annoyed. Here’s a re-skin cough we mean new allied race. If we kept giving the original races new classes eventually everything could play anything but at least with allied races the had/have a chance to change that. Maybe you couldn’t be a mechamonk but heresmecha something else to keep the balance. Yes lets not give you a new class or race like WoD the arguably worst xpac we ever received. Let us not allow void elfs and nightborne to be Demon hunters but everyone can now be a death knight. My whole wow career I’ve played paladins or shamans and if not i’ve played mage just so I can play as a gnome. Satisfy me blizzard. Am I going to quit the game, no. Would I enjoy it more with what we’re asking for absolutely. (or tinker class but that would be too much fun so why would they do that)
The point in the comparison isn’t because of their similar heights, it’s because the lore reasoning for goblins being shamans is weak. “They make contracts with the elements” – anyone can strike a deal, what gave the goblins an in to the elemental plane? What’s to stop another race from recruiting the elements by making their own contract/alliance/rustbolt rebellion*?
*Especially since the elements are in the midst of their own rebellion of sorts as mentioned above from the island expedition lore.
Because before Kaja’mite mining, goblins were dumb and had a tribal like structure. Them cutting deals with the elements was actually a new development.
The Elements from what I’ve gathered seems to be those who are in touch with them. Kind of like a Druid.
Saying “anyone can be a shaman” would be like saying “Anyone can be a basketball player!” despite the fact that some are 5’2" and can’t throw a basketball worth beans.
Well I can’t speak to the Basketball player class as I haven’t read any in-game lore about it, but solong as these “new developments” keep appearing in game over time, I’m gonna go ahead and say yes it’s possible for new races to become Shamans. Where did KT Shamans even come from? I’m pretty sure they just made up tidesage lore as the justification for those burly so and so.
The gurubashi and amani had voodoo gnome slaves (some of which escaped through the dark portal and live in the bone wastes in terrokar forest). If you want a lore reason for normal gnomes being shaman, some can follow loa after they’re no longer slaves.
If you want a lore reason how mechagnomes could be shaman, they could use tech that mimics shaman magic. They have some shooting lightning already. Even without reskinning bots to stand in for summoned elementals, there’s boilburn’s, rumblerock’s, and whirling zap-o-matic’s models that could be used. (and make them glyphs, goblins or anyone might want to RP their shaman as a technoshaman)
Lore is very flexible.
Should make a Mechagnome Monk by the name of:
I love it and hate it at the same time lol
Exactly, anyone can strike a deal. Pretty much every shaman ever has “struck a deal” with the elements.
The goblins deal must not be very ironclad either, as they are forced to use technology to harness the elements.
Also, gnomes and goblins are constantly in an arms race. Would gnomes really let goblins harness a new power source without competing?
Also! While I was looking through the Junkyard Tinkering items there is BAWLD-371 which " Creates a portable storm around the caster." BAWLD is spelled out to stand for “Binary Alternating Weather Location Device” so they already have the tech to manipulate the elements available.
I’m not giving up lol
All you need to be a shaman is to have a connection with the elements. It can be forced too if you see the Taunka shaman. There shamanism is what is now considered dark shamanism.
Anyway engineering based shamanism already exists via goblins. It would be nice to see a gnome version. Especially since technology is another way to control elements. I love the goblin totems. Seeing mechagnome totems based on all the stuff on the island would have been cool. They even have a mechanical garden. Them flinging lightning and using magic to enhance there weapon attacks sounds natural to me. Lightning shield thunder bolt flame shock lavaburst. If shamans could use guns they would make a perfect fit. Or if they had special arm guns they can shoot stuff out of that would be a dope casting animation.