Mechagnome Love Thread đŸ„°

haha good advice, ty. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I mean Swarming Mist is okay. It’s just right now, Runic Power is extremely mundane for Swarming Mist to be an interesting covenant ability.

Abomination’s Limb is just too good. Not only you get a personal gorefiend’s grasp, but it also restores Bone Shield for Blood, triggers Rime for Frost and Runic Corruption for Unholy.

Runes atm are far, far, FAR more valuable than runic power for Swarming Mist to be good. But hey, it gives Blood more Runic Power for them to sustain themselves so that’s something!


I recently leveled Trissally, my previously mentioned mechagnome priest, to 60 and have been gearing up for M+ and rated BGs since. For better or worse, I have yet to see anyone comment on her race. On my first M0 Plaguefall run with her, I also got loot from every boss; the first one gave me a new main hand, then the mage and druid in the group donated me three pieces that they didn’t need.


Really? I was kicked from a group a week ago and the guy bothered to whisper me.

I’m glad you’re not getting anything like that though!


Good day fellow mechagnomes. Its good to see you all engaging in civil discourse, of course a proud mechagnome would not consider anything less!


Of course!

I would never intentionally attempt to engage in hostile discourse at the very least without sufficient reason.

The world is a much nicer place when we’re kind and understanding.

Mechagon Prevails!


I think this is the longest standing AR celebration thread to date. Good going guys.


Cool mechagnome paladin class skin concept by KeyboardTurn and TheLostCodex, posted to Wowhead.

Their lore and aesthetic inspiration for mechagnome pallies:

With Mechagnomes, we wanted to create something a little different by connecting their Paladin abilities to the Mechagnomes as a creation of the Titans. We incorporated a few themes taken from Mechagon - the Lightning/shock spells you see, and added some more references to Mimiron, the Discs of Norgannon and more!

I really like this idea. Their connection and devotion to Mimiron and the titans is exactly how I could imagine mechagnomes forming an order of paladins (or “mechaknights”).

Looking at the icons, I think the four example class ability reskins are: Mimiric Safeguard = Divine Protection, Norgannic Protocol = Avenging Wrath, D.I.S.C. = Avenger’s Shield, and Whirring Feedback = Divine Storm.


The problem I have with this is that I think that if you just apply mecha etc to any class it becomes a tinker and I’d sooner think we should get a tinker class.


Gonna have to side with Gnomest on that.

The abilities they designed with that skin look and feel much more like what I’d expect of Tinkerers and that should be its own class.

I still think Mechagnomes and Gnomes should get paladin simply through a scientific study of the Light and its processes mixed with a faith with it.

Gnomes at least have had access to the Silver Hand for ages and should either be able to acceptably study or just be believers like any other.


I’m just surprised that we’re not able to roll as other classes as we can emulate stuff. One that Draenei can’t.

Heck, I’m even seeing threads about wanting a Mechagnome Druid.


Mechagnome druids and Mechagnome paladins would save azeroth! I am positive of it!


I love my Mechagnome :heart_eyes: She is a mage and her name is Tall-Sargeras if you wanna see her :hugs:

just yolo and unlock gnomes to be everything while adding tinker at the same time! /Evil


To heck with Druids and Paladins.

I would like to have a Mechagnome Shaman.

Heck, any class would work with Mechagnomes honestly. With one exception: Demon Hunters.

Demon Hunters are definitely something else that we can’t really emulate.

EDIT: Gnomest is the closest one to actually emulates the Gnomish Demon Hunter. But actual Demon Hunters? Uhh

How can we emulate embracing fel and chaotic magic? Warlocks simply don’t cut it and those who did are personally trained by Illidan himself that would otherwise result very poorly.


Given our desire to study and learn I don’t see a compelling reason we wouldn’t be able to, as you say, at least emulate any of the classes.

Mechagon Prevails! :gear:

We can only hope. I’d make one of both in a heartbeat
 shaman too if that were available.

I mean

Yeah bring her by! We’d love to meet her!

Shaman makes so much sense for Gnomes and Mechagnomes.

I agree it’d be odd for us to be Demon Hunters as it stands now with Demon Hunters origin.

That said I suspect when Demon Hunters are expanded it will be like it was with Death Knights. The Illidari will begin to train all races for whatever fight they’re interested in to bolster their numbers.

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Well, for Death Knights, it makes sense since Death is indiscriminate.

I do not know how are they going to expand Demon Hunters as they are mainly and exclusively elves (a race that dabbled in magic more than any other races in Azeroth to date), and even with the recent additions of Void Elves and Nightborne
 It’s going to be difficult to expand the lore behind the class since Illidan is gone now.

Human (both KT and Stormwind) don’t cut being a Demon Hunter because they probably can’t handle million-year-old magic within them.
Dwarves and DID thematically don’t fit with DHs due to both have completely different origins.
Gnomes are the same with Dwarves. Mechagnomes too. We dabble in Technology. Not really magic but we use magic to enhance our gadgets.
Draenei would be no different from the Man’ari and the result would be very dangerous with Lightforged.
Worgen Demon Hunters would be far too unnatural and amalgamation of whatever

Void Elf Demon Hunters would probably explode.

Orc Demon Hunters are
 actually Fel Orc Blademasters. :^) Joke being, infusing Orcs with fel energy would make them go bloodthirsty should their bloodlust is unchecked like what happened in Draenor.
Trolls and Ztrolls can handle fel magic as they are Proto-Night Elves. But if they do that, their own peers will not be happy at all.
Taurens, both Highmountain or Mulgore
 Don’t need Fel Magic for their humble cause.
Goblins are kinda similar to Gnomes? But they are not affected by a cosmic origin and don’t know how powerful their affinity of magic they actually are.
Nightborne is perhaps the only race that makes most sense being the next Demon Hunters. But I feel like that’ll be Suramar all over again.
LOL Vulpera Demon Hunters.

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While the devs did initially say that Demon Hunters could only come from elves they have changed that stance since Legion. Indicating that while they have no plans to expand demon hunters at this time they don’t intend to limit them to just elves if/when they do.

As far as whether a race would go for it, we’re not talking about the race going for it. Demon Hunters are almost always drawn from those who left their culture to seek vengeance against the Legion. They’re outliers in their societies.

Death may be indiscriminate but vengeance in universal I say. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ultimately I don’t see why Blizzard would limit it when they finally do so, especially since the DK precedent is there.

I will say that personally the only two races I really want for Demon Hunter are Orcs and Draenei who both would have been available to Illidan on Outland and could be soft retconned into the story as is.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild him 

Make him better, faster, stronger


Look at his glorious um
(I need the belt that belongs to that set

There are surprisingly many sets that match their metal decently to the rusty metal parts. And with a name like ‘Rustpipe’ I can’t just
 pick another.


Oh! I saw this one going around!

A wonderful mog for a wondrous Mechagnome!

Mechagon Prevails! :gear:

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