Mechagnome Love Thread đŸ„°

And by no means are we saying Vulpera are a trash race(unlike some other AR groups I won’t name). Wiccan is a known Vulpera lover who also loves kelfin. I am super super bias when it comes to gilgoblins, but I don’t hate vulpera. Just the circumstances and some of the people surounding their inclusion.



I have no ill-will towards the players who enjoy Vulpera, I am quite happy that they get to enjoy themselves. I do think that given the trend of ARs being variants on already established core races, the Vulpera came out of left field entirely blindsiding the status quo.

I do hold out hope for Kelfin inclusion down the line, as I have names, classes, and entire Sea World transmogs created and ready to go for them. For now I use the newer teal skin option on one of my Goblins to role-play as a Kelfin.

Hate only ever causes division and disrespect, and I have no hate for the Vulpera. I just want to enjoy playing a fish goblin too!



I greatly contend this viewpoint. The model is exceptionally well put together and the animations are amazing!

I wouldn’t change it myself. To each their own I suppose.

This I will actually agree with. I do very much want them expanded!

I disagree immensely here! Especially since they’re buffing the Combat Analysis soon!

Some of the best racials Alliance has!

I do think these should be expanded. We’ll keep asking and see what the AR pass does for us.

oooo Please share!

 maybe I should ask that in the Kelfin thread. lol

Exactly! Division is useless.

Let us all help each other to play what we want to play and find our enjoyment!





This is an excellent news! I expected a little bit more but 4 is solid enough. :slight_smile:

The future for Locutus is looking bright in Shadowlands even though he is definitely the biggest loser in my character pool in terms of prepatch changes. Locutus is designed as mostly Frost. But it’s time for him to be more versatile as Unholy just got a strength multiplying ability, not as much as Frost but just as much impactful as it.

I wonder how does Combat Analysis work while leveling as it shows in Wowhead that it grants up to 4 primary stat per stack at level 60. It takes 6 stacks to compete against a Draenei Racial. A 16 primary stat difference.

Considering how primary stats are now more significantly weighted, the difference seems okay. I will definitely consider playing Locutus a lot more often right after Kaeleis in the next expansion and will remain in the Night Fae Covenant. Locutus is designed to stack strength after all! :slight_smile:

I have Sub Rogue, MM Hunter, Demo Lock and Blood DK to level and Locutus will be next in this list. Who knows, maybe Locutus will see his glory as either 2h Frost, DW Frost, Unholy
 Whichever grants him the most strength and whichever takes advantage the most of it.

EDIT: Actually, I might level my Mechagnome Dk first now when that buff goes live. I am actually conflicted now.


When I am in this kind of situation, I stop and ask myself the following;

“Am I playing a Goblin or a Gnome? If the answer is yes, I have already won.”



I love it. Seems like a great way to rp.


I’ve decided that I’m going to level Locutus second. Right after the Zandalari Rogue and will be the first to level in Threads of Fate.

Gonna need all the lead I can get for Maximum Obliteration. My other Dks, hunter and warlock can wait for now.


Sounds like fun. I would imagine you are having fun with the zombie event so far?


It was


Even more so when I can’t even control player controlled zombies. OR A GIANT FROSTWYRM IN DUSKWOOD.

So they have become inconvenient if anything. :frowning:


Well. It is over in 2 days if I am not mistaken. Or unless its already over?


It might as well be, the zombie hype is over it seems.

I am actually getting essences (why am I doing this to myself) on a voluptuous warlock for completionism.

So yea
 Demo Locks are pretty fun, Magnus (The Tyrant) is so strong that it makes Gary (The Gargoyle) cry in a corner.


I look forward to shadowlands. It seems like it will be quite an interesting expansion. Not to mention. We are going to a new plane of existance. Nearly all these places we’ve been in past expansions have been somewhere in Azeroth. Though we did go to the twisting nether and the elemental planes before. Of course there is the outland/draenor. But this is the freaking afterlife we are talking about here.


I hope at the end of this expansion we see the mechagnomes make new technology for the alliance!


Haha, what a pathetically sensitive community.

I’m hoping we’ll see more Mechagnomes work to bring bionics to the Alliance. Probably a vain hope in the end.

But imagine having some prosthetic options for other races designed by mechagnomes!


You never know. Surely this isn’t the last expansion we will see goblin/gnome stuff?


Good day my fellow Mechagnomes, gnomes of Gnomeregan, New allies and friends!

I wish you all a great and happy Turkey Eradication Day! The day we strive to deal with the Turkey menace upon Mechagon!

Remember we need to keep the meat usable so let’s have less disintegrations this year!

Mechagon Prevails!



Good news everyone!

I’ve perfected the plague that will eradicate all life on Azeroth!

Another good news!

Combat Analysis indeed got buffed, but you have to be level 60 to benefit from it. Still, that’s pretty good vs Draenei Racial as it takes 6 stacks to get more than them. Nevertheless, primary stats are weighted more now.

You get 2 per stack from Level 51.
You get 3 per stack from Level 57.
You finally get 4 per stack from Level 60.

It’s quite a significant increase.