Mechagnome Customization Thread

Ah! I miss Locutus!

I hope he’s doing well along with the rest of you Knights!

Recall thanks him for helping him figure out which spec and Covenant would be best!

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He’s in maintenance mode unfortunately. >,<

But he would definitely use some of the customizations proposed here.

I’m liking all the LED color suggestions.

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Recall is still in training mode. SLs has not been good for motivation…

I really hope the Mekgineers (Blizzard) take note of these options. I think Mechagnomes would be well loved by many more people with only a little tlc.

Leds and the mecha eye colors are big wants for me.

And Firewall could use a full mecha skintone.

Figure now is the time to get this thread back up to snuff since the remaining ARs are likely to be seen to next.


I’m still debating (as a player) to make another Mechagnome. There are two so far.

You know one, as a Death Knight.

The one, as a Monk. That I have not touched at all.

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I still have my six.

Coaxial, Anode, Diode, Firewall, Cache and Recall.

Suppose I had a seventh but Comcast met an unfortunate end… As it happens when I made a new Death Knight.

I want to level them all but SLs has just been sapping my will any time I consider it.


Updated a couple very minor things.

Also added a few threads to the Threads of Note.


Seen this discussed in a few threads but race specific flying mounts are always a fun idea.

I kinda like the idea that Mechagnomes would get the jetpack you can build in Mechagon.

And once you’ve done whatever you need to to unlock it that it would be usable by your account. So even night elves and such could rocket around.


That would be really fun! Instant cast would be great, but I think I’d accept it even if it had a cast time like other mounts.


It’s been said before, but I would like to see options for full mecha and to look like original Mechagnomes


I’d speculate that if it were a mount there would be a cast time, however the cool factor makes it worth it I think.

Would be nice if we could use Mechagon items outside Mechagon more…

It has indeed!

In fact I think it’s been the most or second most requested item along with more metal colors.

I think it’s a good way to go regardless of whether you’re trying to make a Northrend Mechagnome or just want the fully converted look.


I do feel shaman would look cool on Mechagnomes. I mean, a lot of their attacks involve lightning and fire, and they could have mechanical totems. I also feel Spirit Form and Spirit Beasts should be race-based and changeable in the trainer, so mechagnomes could start with some mechanical beast form.

As for customization, I think:

  • Chrome/gold/silver/bronze metal skins in addition to normal fleshy skins.
  • Split the head enhancements into chin, eyes and ears options, as well as a head plate on/off toggle, so we can mix and match them.
  • Allow eye options to only cover one eye.
  • Add a nose selection option to swap between mechanical and fleshy.
  • Allow leg and arm enhancements to be separated per limb, rather than affecting both. So, I may have a mechanical right hand and a clamp left hand. Or one thick leg and another slim.
  • Add more painting options. At least the as many colors as those available for the mechanical tiger mount from Mechagon.
  • More hair colors are always nice. More hair styles as well.

Not a jetpack, repulsor rays that shoot out of your hands and feet, like Ironman.

I also want pink hair, so I can match my wife’s gnome.


I think I have all that up there… Though I should probably make it more concise like this.

Some of it is a bit rickety.

Heritage mounts are usable on our other toons though aren’t they?

Ironman setups would be restrictive to us, and if we get options for one arm or leg to be flesh it could also cause issues.

I’d like to see all Gnome and Mechagnome hair cokors shared.

Let us improve you.

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While I don’t really agree with Paladins and such for Mechagnomes I would love to see Druids. And they would only be Druids on a technicality, like Tauren technically being Sunwalkers. I would love to see Mechagnomes be like little transformers.

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And I don’t agree with the idea of them having druids because it just sounds massively oxymoronic.

Sunwalkers aren’t completely antithetical to tauren culture or biology, as far as I know.

That would be a nice casting animation imo. Just use a hand cannon as an arm option and it should change your casting animations to hand cannon : ). So all your spells shoot out from there.

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This Hearthstone art is the first where I have seen a Northrend-style mechagnome lady, and she looks awesome! I like the glowy energy tube legs and the metal hair (plus what looks to be some warpaint around the eyes).


She’s adorable! :sob:


What is so wrong with little transforming mechagnomes in a Universe that now has gods that are literally being 3D printed by bigger gods, that are using our world soul as a big tool?

All bets are already off mate.

I didn’t argue that. I said that Tauren are not real Paladins, which is true. They are Sunwalkers.

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Mechagnomes should totally get the option to have metal hair! I’m surprised they didn’t do that already. Metal beards would be cool for the guys too.