Mechagnome Allied Race Discussion

Check this guide:

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I went to take my MechaGnome to Northshire to do the Human newbie quests for extra Stormwind rep and found that none of the quests in the area, aside from the one that sends you to Goldshire, were available to him. I recall something similar happening to Kul Tirans which did eventually get fixed.

I did fill out a bug report on it in-game, so hopefully it’ll get fixed in the near future as well as one of the Orgrimmar cooking dailies not being available for Vulpera.


Thank you for sharing this information. It will be good to know. Maybe I’ll wander out there and see if it affects me too.

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my Understanding is many bugs when live even some that were reported.

Come quietly or there will be trouble!

Losen up mechagnome tmog restrictions!

I like their racials, and I wanna make my main one, but they dont look good in plate

You need only find the right plate my friend. Also the mechagnome tabard can effectively tie your entire ensamble together.

Well alright lemme go further

You either A, wear a dress to cover up the leg coloration and plate dress aren’t super common

or B, Wear either gold/silver/bronze

You’re really cut off from a lot of stuff

This is a suggestion you should send to blizzard in game.

Personally, and I mean this with no spite or malice, I think you’re just not being creative enough. I’ve already a mog picked out using mail for this one when I hit 110. There are options that work well. (silver armors work really well with the silver arms and legs.)

Just need to fiddle with the parameters in your equation.

I was late to unlock them, but I finally made my Mechagnome. I decided to not overthink lore and made a Gnome-robot-priest-shadow/void user. I like how the Mechagnomes look and I think Shadow Priests are fun to play.


Go forth Unit Brown. Let the shadows spread!