Mechagnome Allied Race Discussion

Dude, I ran Mechagon for the first time yesterday and it was so damn difficult. I feel sorry for the more casual people that’ll be blocked from getting their gnome on patch day because of this dungeon. At least, there should be a heroic version coming in 8.3.

Wait, there’s a hard dungeon requirement? I thought you just had to complete the intro Mechagon storyline and get exalted with Rustbolt.

So not only does Alliance get completely shafted when it comes to the quality and desirability of our AR, but we can’t even unlock it without a difficult dungeon requirement whereas any Horde player exalted with the Voldunai is already good to go for theirs?


There will be a heroic version in 8.3, but the problem still stands: most people will be unable to unlock mechagnomes immediately in 8.3.


The very last step to that is the dungeon :frowning:

Yeah, that sucks for those that really want the junk gnomes :confused:

If anyone in this thread needs help making a group for Mechagon before the patch let me know. My characters aren’t very well-geared, but I wouldn’t give up in the dungeon. Not until everyone gets their Mechagnome achievement.


Ahh. I am very happy to hear that Mechagnomes are becoming an allied race. Many exciting adventures lay ahead with this guys. I was away for a while, but I can only imagine how excited yseut must have been when she heard the news.


Super excited! Still hoping for three colors of the heritage armor to match the metal body colors and another class option to set them apart from Gnomeregan gnomes, but I love the mechagnome customizations and their story potential going forward.


This is to force the alliance to participate more actively in the content.
Does anyone want diapers? Then they should play the game. Now let’s see how much people really want a piece of junkland.


One thing I really don’t like about these forums though. Unless your allied race request is popular, you are bound to get a lot of hate. There has been so much toxicity to mechagnomes since the very beginning.


I try to be respectful and help support races people want as best as I can. We all have races we want playable, and it’s not fun to get yelled at or ganged up on because of wanting to show support for a specific race to be playable. There are very few race choices that I don’t personally agree with, but I would never yell at someone for it or, if said races had megathreads, would keep complaining about it there.

I use to lurk on the forums for a long time, and it took quite a bit for me to gather courage to start showing support in the Ogre megathread, let alone being brave enough to create my Saurok megathread. I honestly was very nervous at the time.

I am personally fine with MechaGnomes being playable and I am happy that those who wanted them playable will be able to create and play them in the near future. I think it’s admirable to both make this megathread and keep supporting it despite adversity. It also paid off, seeing as we’re getting them playable soon.

That said, I look forward to joining y’all in the MechaGnome creation party when 8.3 launches. Hopefully I’ll be able to do Mechagon in some fashion soon. :robot:


I’ve long had a very positive regard for you for this reason.


I want this so much! I actually like the rusty look and want to look like a Rustbolt Resistance member.

Plus if Mag’har can get multiple colors, why not Mechagnomes? I think there is a real case to be made due to the split between the Rustbolt ones and the interior Mechagon ones.


I really should have phrased my complaint better; I’m sorry and didn’t mean to insult fans of mechagnomes. I really do want to create one and have her planned out and a name reserved for her, which is why I’m disappointed that just grinding to exalted with Rustbolt won’t be enough to unlock her. I’m always disappointed when Alliance players have to deal with things that Horde players don’t.


I really appreciate how there is diversity in the new allied races. Not everyone will like every race, but there seems to be at least one race for most everyone. There is a dark Thalassian elf model with the void elves, a totally new strongman body shape in the Kul’tirans, the first robotic / cyborg race in the mechagnomes, upright trolls that are both fierce and regal in the Zandalari, and a cute fox race in the vulpera. Some of these I will never play, but I like to see other people playing different races in game and having a blast, and I definitely support people showing their enthusiasm and creativity in the megathreads. There is some incredible fan art and lore building out there.


Can’t wait. I’m all set to roll my little robot girl. Settled on hunter, and will probably start off leveling as Survival.
Fortunately for this set too there’s an equally awesome gun if I go one of the ranged specs. :slight_smile:


Awesome, she looks ready for battle! The mechagnome-themed weapons really tie the heritage armor together. I am looking forward to the heroic dungeon coming out so that I can try to get the chainsaw blade for my death knight.


When does the mechagon heroic become lfg available?

The heroic dungeon becomes available when patch 8.3 arrives on January 14. Operation Mechagon will be broken into two separate wings in the dungeon finder: Junkyard and Workshop. If you haven’t done the mythic dungeon, then running the Workshop wing and defeating King Mechagon will complete the final step for the Mechagonian Threat achievement and unlock the mechagnomes as an allied race.

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So kinda like in the raid finder the last bit is all I need to focus on? I don’t actually have to complete the whole thing? That is a little easier at least. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kinda wish we didn’t have to do a heroic dungeon for mechagnomes since Vulpera don’t have to do something like that.


The final step in the Mechagonian Threat achievement is to complete the quest Operation: Mechagon - The Mechoriginator, which requires you to slay King Mechagon, so I think just doing the Workshop wing will suffice (although I am making an assumption here! :sweat_smile:).

I can understand how completing Operation: Mechagon and overthrowing the mad king is important to tying up the story of Mechagon and giving the mechagnomes a reason to finally leave their secluded island, even though it does add an additional obstacle. The vulpera didn’t really have a comparable capstone dungeon of their own. I just wish they had introduced the heroic version of Operation: Mechagon in 8.2.5, so people who don’t run mythics had a chance to finish the achievement in advance. I just want to unlock mechagnomes as soon as possible on patch day, LOL!


yeah if it’d been released with 8.2.5 I think it’d be fine. Just a bummer we have to wait (some of us anyways) for 8.3 to finish up. lol