Mecha-Gnomes were a terrible idea

Wide in Horde side.
Alliance side? Low.

If none of the Alliance races appeal to you, why aren’t you playing Horde?


Can you imagine?

writhing trench coat walks up to you. Snek head pops out from under a hood

Hellooo. We are a human.
bleps with tongue
Do not mind the tongue, we are smelling. We are human.


I’d have to boop the snoot.


Oh boy, an anti-mechagnome thread, we DEFINITELY needed another one of these. And just when I got through reading the pro-mechagnome thread.

So only popular races should get subraces? In that case, Dark Irons shouldn’t be their own race since dwarves are barely more popular than gnomes. And if anything, gnomes deserve a subrace after being neglected for so long, plus we needed closure on what happened to Mekkatorque after Dazar’alor and the mechagnome recruitment storyline provided it.

Too bad, so bad. They already had new models separate from classic gnomes with new limbs and custom animations, which would be difficult if not outright impossible to merge into the classic gnome models without completely breaking the latter. People wanted Lightforged, Dark Irons, Highmountain, and Mag’har to be customizations for their parent races, but they didn’t get what they wanted, either, so why do people insist on singling out mechagnomes, a race with actual effort put into it?

Because the Alliance hero interacts with the sethrak for about ⅛ the amount of time that the Horde hero does. You were not getting a race that you quested with for less than 15 minutes.

Patch 8.2 came out in June, mechagnomes and vulpera were released in January. People had MONTHS to grind them both out.


This is how Sethrak come about. A bunch of snakes wanting to be human so they wish really hard to their Loa, Sethraliss and boom, Sethrak.

Or ya know, could be a game simiar to Octodad. xD

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I’m not gonna argue. I just want Sethrak made playable. :woman_shrugging:

It was actually one of the dumbest things that happened in BFA and the only reason it gets overlooked is because nobody cares what’s going on with gnomes.

Erazmin decides he doesn’t want to be King so he just declares Mekkatorque (ruler of a completely different nation who’s elected by his own people) King of all Gnomes.

This would be like if the Queen of the UK died and her son didn’t want to be King so he instead declared the President of the USA King of all humanity.

Alliance players were also begging for Sethrak and that race is fully animated for player use, including a heart of azeroth animation.


horde is the majorty faction, by requiring more work to unlock gnomes as alliance means the horde completionist are going to put more time on alliance to unlock them and subsequently bolster your factions numbers… aka it actually played to your benefit…

Also mecha gnomes are awesome, hate em if you want no one really cares.

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Don’t give up yet. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :snake:


Not just gnomes but everyone. I’m sure it’s possible since they always ask me if I want a new arm(at least they did when I had a reason to go to Mechagon).


Actually I quite like mechagnomes, I’m looking forward to making a hunter with a scraphound and the most outlandish techy gun transmog I can find. And goggles. Must have goggles. Want the pincher hands but I’m unsure, luckily that’s a barbershop away if I try to experiment. And rusty, gotta have that rust.

Now that I’m in the groove of grinding them I got almost a fourth of honored today, that’s progress. I know it’ll start looking worse to exalted, but I don’t believe it’s as bad as void elves, with those other than emissary I think it was all 75 a pop. Mechagon has that one for 850+ (if buffed), theoretically you should make it in several weeks even if you did nothing but that. I’ve been slacking lately but I feel like when I put time in the bar actually moves. I seem to recall with VE a feeling of almost utter futility as you could barely notice the bar rise even after completing all objectives. Talk about delaying gratification, that grind made me take a break for three months. I hope the mecha pace keeps up, I’ve always liked robot characters (played a very high tech sentient golem once in D&D), and I’ve played with the previews, they look good, but then again I have a capped gnome so I’m not mad at the parent race like some people seem to be. All in all they gave me one more AR to grind for. Hopefully I’ll complete it and it’ll be my last.


See this is the thing and it’s good that someone out there besides myself recognizes it. Vulpera should have been the panda AR.

Every other race makes some sort of genetic/lore/cultural connection.

For goblins/vulpera, it’s rig.

Mechagnomes are here. You don’t have to like them and I don’t but don’t hate on those who do .


They should have.

Vulpera should have been the panda AR.

If they had been made taller and given an alliance working backstory, they would have also worked perfectly as a worgen AR. If they were released as a worgen AR in said scenario, they also wouldn’t seem as different from other allied races.

Mechagnomes are here. You don’t have to like them and I don’t but don’t hate on those who do .

Unfortunately common decency and respect is a bit too much to ask at times.

I wanted gilgoblins which have every reason to join the horde that vulpera do, but I am not making threads trashing Vulpera or insulting and I don’t hold any nasty feelings about the race itself.


I, disagree.

Just because of this thread I’m going to make three extra Mechagnomes. Because I can and they are amazing.


They weren’t a terrible idea.

There was proper set up, proper time spent with them, and it’s better that they didn’t become yet another race on the pile of those we see but then get dropped down a memory hole.

Who remembers the Taunka? The Gorlocs? The Wolvar? The Tol’vir are only relevant again because of Uldum but they’ll be forgotten about again soon.

Mecha-Gnomes may not be popular, but they sure as hell had a lot more setting them up than the Void Elves.

Granted I love making fun of them, they’re still not terrible.


I find hate is often best countered with love and support going in the direction of the victims of the hate.