Me make allied race thread


I give up. Why?

Wait what just happened? A huge swath of this thread got yanked out.

Did it? Huh… weird. This thread wasnt doing anything especially wrong.

I guess he succeeded in his plan to get his thread noticed by Blizzard.

Unfortunately I suspect it’ll put them OFF his choice of allied race, if anything. :laughing:


How great is it that he started a thread demanding an allied race, and it ended with him shouting at a stranger that they had romantic feelings for him, whether they knew it or not?

What a world.


Like I said, it was a dumpster fire that turned into landfill inferno.

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Hm… Think I know your name. One of Koren’s kennel of characters? XD

That thread got deleted? That means my dinosaur suggestion got destroyed. Ow.

…but, worth it considering that guy was …hell, I’m not sure crazy is even the right descriptor.

Oh well… considering how he was behaving, the only response I have for his thread being deleted and him probably having been banned is a wheezing laughing meme I STILL CAN’T LINK NAARU DAMN IT. ;(



Thank you!

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Nope. Used to be Knottyboy for 3 years, but then got reported. So decided to make him a Knottywolf.

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Which is funny because I know the reference and the “boy” part wasn’t the issue. XD

If someone reports him again, tell Blizzard the character just -really likes- tying knots. They wont fall for it, but you might get an amused eyeroll out of them.

I mean… technically it went Knottyboy - > Knotfunny -> Knottywolf

I just like to believe that Blizzard and the GMs share my love of terrible, pain inducing puns.

We’ve all seen quest names, yes.

Such a pity. So few threads end in romance.


Still not funny.


someone explain what happened in that thread

Some things are best locked away in a chest, dropped into the Mariana Trench, and forgotten until aliens unearth it 1,000,000 years into the future and have their faces melted like in Raiders of the Lost Ark once they reopen it.