MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

So don’t use these optional and unnecessary addons?

You know that there will be 10 different free versions as soon as any joker tries to charge for any of these popular addons anyway.

posted on your level 10 warlock. Neat. GOT EM.

I won’t be paying for any addons, if they go P2U then screw addons, I’ll go back to no addons WoW. I played ESO and FFXIV without addons, and I played WoW in WoD when I was new without addons, they aren’t necessary.

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Mr. White knight can you save me next?

Some people use Addons to as help if they have problems seeing some things visually, Addons help them customize their UI to see better like I do or use Audio cues for somethings. Or to make Keybinds easier so you can actually use certain keys properly if you have problems with that.

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Got what? Your “mythic” raid achievements are for WoD content that you did in 2019 (long after it was no longer relevant)

You outplayed yourself.

You are literally the imposter that vented… and vented into a room full of people hoping no one would notice. Sure we are going to vote you off the ship… after we spend the whole time laughing at you.

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Blizzard probably getting a cut of the money and done a deal with them. So they won’t do a damn thing.

okay that’s great some people need them to play. But some people need money to pay their bills for the work they put in. Just learn to program and make your own addons if you don’t think the creators deserve anything for their hard work.

Until blizzard shuts it down it’s always going to be tons of speculation they’re super slow on stuff like this.

Oh no a bunch of entitled forum kiddies are going to laugh at me! What will I ever do! You honestly think I care?

So just stop using the add-on. Y’all are acting like a Karen trying to use an expired coupon.

Report it to the powers that be and move on with your lives.


So this is being done by one of the people from the Method spinoff Guild Echo after losing the world first .

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I never once made mention about someone making or not making money off of addons.

I guess we’re switching arguments now. :woman_shrugging:

Overwolf is already seeing to that with their ads and whatnot to help give back to the addon authors. But policy specifically states people can’t charge for addons. So Blizz will make the determination on this case.

The only reason this came back to bite you in the butt was because you chose to act smug and then insult someone without the knowledge of how mythic raiding works with these addons nowadays. I’ve done it before, too, so I’ve been in your shoes.

Indeed. :+1:

Look I know you are trying to make a point but these two comparisons are laughable. I mean what do you think Details is going to sell you a set of good parses if you pay for it? And WA already doesn’t come with class scripts, those are created and posted by other users. WA couldn’t market them if they wanted to.

I am sure Blizzard will make an official statement but not on a Saturday afternoon when they are all at home enjoying a holiday weekend.

its probably within the TOS guidelines to do this. The addon remains free, its just added data that isn’t. I think that’s how the Zygor leveling thing works. TSM also has a premium option, but I don’t know what that’s about.

Its a pretty crappy thing for him to do. It’ll ultimately be unsuccessful as there’s alternatives as well as a nice website that do all the same stuff for free. While there’s a chance all will go the same route, there’ll always be someone who puts something out for free. Hell, a lot of addons can be replaced with various Weak Auras, and there’s always someone cranking out free ones.

With the name calling you’re doing you seem to care a lot. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I swapped to Ajour and I couldn’t be happier with it. So very lightweight, but does everything Twitch did for me. I highly recommend.

The addon creator did this because he threw a tantrum and decided he should punish people by charging money for his addon. If he had, say, asked for help/donations from the community if he needed money, people would be responding a lot differently.

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careful what you wish for :wink:

over at GGG (path of exile) they did that with a guy that was a big help for the community.

he ended up busy enough that he couldnt help anymore, and they put him on unrelated projects.

the “new official trading site” dosnt even have all the features the older trading site had yet. (still cant import item via copy paste)

Pretty much… this. All he had to do was not act like he knew what he was talking about. But nope… he wanted to armchair quarterback. Wait… he will next refute what I have to say about football and tell us all about how he scored 4 touchdowns in the city championship game and this makes him a expert on football too.