MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

Wait… your update all button works?

I’ve never seen it light up even with all of the addons needing updates.

I doubt the DBM creator is going to sink to that level, the MDT creator is getting a lot of deserved flak for his stance, and will probably buckle in time.

Blizzard HQ right now

This isn’t setting a precedent; it’s following existing precedent. From “sub for my UI including my custom WeakAuras” to Zygor to TSM/ all providing paid-feature services based on, in whole or in part, framework addons, this is nothing new.

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The needing to Refresh is annoying but a fairly new problem that will hopefully be fixed soon. As for be tested it is still in Beta. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Because most addons are counted as derivative works copyright wise since they use WoW code (even if they have their own code as well) and require WoW to run.

That is why people who have monetized addons monetize stuff that doesn’t require WoW to function. I.E. outside programs that auto-update your addons for you from Evilui or TSM. The addon itself has no additional features you can get from buying, but you can get additional services outside the game with it.

That attitude is fine but doesn’t solve the problem of those with deeper pockets gaining an advantage.

It doesn’t matter for me, I have the money and won’t even notice, so i’ll simply pay whatever they charge and gain an advantage over anyone who doesn’t.

Is that the way we want the game going though? I don’t think it’s right.

People will always make good quality addons for free, out of need/want or simply hobbyist interest. If they don’t want to, then don’t. But this is against the spirit of the ToS.

Why there is a limit on likes I will never understand.

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Why are people freaking out about this?

This is not really a controversy.

One person breaking the terms of service isn’t a controversy.

It will be shut down eventually.

I still can’t believe people still need addons like this to play the game… Is it really that hard to not stand in stuff or move away from others when you are targeted by something bad? You really need a addon to tell you that? There is only a handful of mechanics in this game, don’t stand in stuff, stand in stuff, move away when you have stuff, stack together when you have stuff. Learning which one is which really doesn’t require an addon.


Very true. I sub to one channel for custom WeakAuras.

This is vastly different situation though as it’s not the creators of weak auras that is paywalling that content.

Very rarely. I’ve been on holiday for a week or two, but for the first couple of weeks of using it, maybe once or twice the update-all button worked. Joke of a client.

By comparisson i’d start up twitch and click update all-before playing. Never had to do syncs or scans or endless refreshes to get it to detect stuff properly.

I can imagine the DBM guy wants to get paid after years and years of free service.

I feel bad for him.

Provides this amazing addon, gets no where near the ammount of compesation he deserves and all the while blizzard saves money because they dont have to do anything.

imo blizzard should step up and just hire the dude to be the mythic / raid addon guy.


That would have more credibility if you raided above LFR… nothing wrong with that I don’t either. Try doing Mythic with addons :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


that’s the point

it’s insane that so many people are trying to make posts like yours

blizzard has notoriously broken several addons that don’t technically break the rules, addons that alter friendly name plates in instanced pve late legion for example

how they respond to this will really just set a precedent

most GD players don’t actually participate in end game which is fine, however what’s not fine is how ignorant and difficult to communicate with they are
take it from people this actually effects, if this becomes the norm the game is going to be in a really weird place for a while until blizzard reacts

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Without the knowledge of how the Mythic fights work, some people may not understand the complexity added in specifically because of things like DBM and Big Wigs. Boss fights at progression level are taken into account for those addons. There’s much more timing for cooldowns, movement, etc, based on the timers of certain phases and abilities.

No need to throw out insults over this.

Addons are open source. He can’t prevent anyone from just grabbing it and repost it under a different name (like people already did) so its pretty much a non-issue.

Didn’t seem too pointless… he has a point… you don’t do some Mythic + but don’t touch current raids at a harder difficulty than LFR.

That you don’t have working knowledge about what you are talking about? Ok… continue.

Yet… you can’t demonstrate that you know what you are talking about… doesn’t take a 9000 IQ Among Us player to see thru you.

No you don’t. You do Mythic + Keystones and not Mythic tier Raids when they are current (yeah I can see when you actually did those mythic raids).


I know everyone is bent out of shape about money, but this is a much more serious issue.
There is not going to be a blizzard CM weighing in on that issue, because it is a community issue.

For now, do what you can to circumvent the paywall nonsense and let the more important stuff run its course.