MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

Which is no longer used only the EULA which doesn’t cover addons. They are covered by Add-On Development Policy.

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Agree to disagree.

A ‘stan’ is an overzealous or obsessive fan. It’s not an insult. It’s slang.
Manbaby is… well… manbaby. He’s not here as far as I know, and I’m not the first person in the thread to point out that folks are calling the MDT author that either directly or through the titles of their addons.

So all I’m essentially saying is that there are hardcore overzealous/obsessive fans of the addon author in the thread that are mass flagging posts.


I didn’t flag you, but you did start tossing out insults, sir.

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Ever feel like someone walked into a conversation not really paying attention to what the conversation was about… started accusing people of stuff… and everyone turns to the newcomer and notices he is painted up like The Joker?


I agree we can’t let this happen with something as important as mdt. ( Can someone tell me what mdt is? No idea.)


They’ve already put the kibosh on add-ons pay-walling so it’s not a non-issue it’s up to Blizzard to enforce it. Now if they decide to do anything about it. completely different story they’ve been very weak on actually dealing with things like this.

LOL that whole post from him was just crazy! I don’t even pay attention to who I respond to most of the time. And I wasn’t even arguing with him, nor even referenced him personally! :rofl:

Agree. It needs addressing. As if this crappy new overwolf client isn’t bad enough. Stupid thing needs to be massaged to properly detect what needs updating, just so they can get add revenue. Twitch never did any of that.

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It’s Chrismas week. Blizzard’s legal team/lawyers are all on vacation unless they want double pay. We’ll most likely see something Monday about it, if at all.

I’m kinda wondering if I should check on him. Sir, are you have a medical episode? Do you need help? Laugh once for no and constantly for yes.

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all those things do is help, you don’t win, just like buying gear with gold, it’s not pay to win because if you’re good enough to win with it you can probly win without it. Same with addons. What’s really gonna happen is people will just stop using them.

They aren’t even ads yet and Twitch is WAY more aggressive with ads.

I do hate the fact that I have to resync it manually to update addons… at least twitch saved me the button click.

I’m pretty sure you need to pay in order to be a twitch subscriber to a particular person.

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Here is a fix don’t use it. I don’t use that addon.


Not with Amazon Prime. You can use your 1 free Amazon Prime subscription to subscribe to the Author or one of our over 1 million boring content streamers. Free with your Amazon Prime membership.

Yes… I said this like it was a ad… now where’s my 2 cent.

Sounds fine to me tbh.

You think it’s so easy to make addons, you do it yourself. You’re not entitled to free labor, and every time an addon developer posts an addon that they made, they’re giving a gift to the community.

Even if they make them for themselves and their friends; there’s no requirement that they share them.

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I have to sync it sometimes several times to get the stupid thing to realize that 4 addons need updating. Other times the update-all button doesn’t work and you have to update each manually.

All thoroughly tested before being implemented obviously…

i have no idea what youre talking about.

do i have to google MDT controversy ?

Not necessarily. There are ways to get a free Twitch sub for a channel. And the policy states outright paying for an addon or a different version. We’re not paying for the addon, we’re paying for a Twitch channel (if we pay at all) and getting additional data, but not a new version of the addon.

Thus, Blizz kinda needs to make sure they got their bases covered before taking action. And then, I think, some wording of the policy needs updated.

And @Gutshredda I’d give you likes, but the forum gods have deemed me unworthy of any more likes today.

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