MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

did you just assume my geographical location?

You’re using logic, logic doesn’t work on these people lol


Honestly I think the author did this just so other people would make their own and he can stop being bugged constantly about updating the add-on for the masses and just continue to distribute it to his own guild.


Somebody is just going to create a competing addon for free, and the developer of this addon will have 2 options.

  1. Attempt to litigate it out of existance, which will be problematic because at that point you are attempting litigation against Blizzards customers for something that cannot be used without blizzards own service. I guarantee you that they will not let that stand.

  2. Do nothing as people use the free addon over his.

Possible! I wouldn’t blame him.

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Or maybe move out of the fire and spinning axes.

We already went through this like a decade ago with Carbonite.

Carbonite tried to add subscription and/or paid elements to their addon, and they were promptly struck down for it.

From the UI/Addon development policy:

That snippet right there guarantees that what MDT is doing won’t last. I haven’t even delved further into the legalese of the entire addon development policy.

/thread. Duh?


i need a WA to draw me a flashing arrow and a modular voice to tell me to move and in which direction. with an if-else function depending on how high my hp is and how much mana the second healer in group 4 has and if my CDs are up or not.


Nnoggie needs a 6 month WoW vacation/ban. He’s clearly having mental health issues but the way he’s going about his mental breakdown is not a good thing for the WoW community in general. Blizzard needs to take a firm stance on this.


You’d think, but there are some fairly hardcore manbaby stans that are fighting tooth and nail here, trying to gaslight us into believing that this hasn’t happened before and that Blizzard hasn’t already made a ruling on it.


I believe the wow community is robust enough that if big wigs or dmb started to “sell” their addons(or whatever creative way they use to avoid tos that effectively means paying them to use the addons) that someone would create a free version. Imagine the patreon contributions that person/team would get for creating a “Free” dbm/bigwigs that was just as good. It would likely be someone who could then devote their time full time to wow from those donations where right now they cant because they dont have a niche.

monetizing dbm/bigwigs would create space for someone to compete where right now there is no reason for anyone to compete.

I don’t use add-ons.

I don’t see a problem.

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It’s not a premium version, you’re not paying for it. You just have to have a Twitch subscription. It’s not a different version, either.

This is why Blizz needs to determine whether it’s against the policy or not. Because it’s a bit more complex.

People just need to relax, report it, and let Blizz do their job without trashing someone.

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This is enough for blizzard to shut it down, or find a way to shadow ban it. A lot of botting software that is sold does the same thing, and blizzard has, and can sue the creators to stop them from selling bots. See the 2017 court case blizzard won against bossland.


Please don’t start this weird agenda you have with me and relaxing again.

Again, I just stated obvious facts that would allay anyone’s fears over whether or not “all addons will become for-pay.”

They won’t. It’s a ridiculous notion, honestly. A bit of research proves that.

And again, you can win, I’m really not into ad hominem garbage today.

/unsub from this one.


And the mass flaggers strike again. Since I know they’re here, might as well highlight this:

Flagging posts that don’t break the rules can get you banned!

But hey, keep flagging my posts if it makes you feel better.

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I would have went with “people,” but yeah. I did not flag your post, just to be clear.

However, calling people “hardcore manbaby stans” does violate it. It’s inappropriate, and that’s why you got the flags.

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Whats stopping me from sailing the high seas and “borrowing” them?

Too bad your posts did then huh.

… I never referenced you. I don’t have an agenda against you, nor did I even look to see who I responded to. I just read the post and responded.

There have been quite a lot of people trashing the guy in many threads, which has nothing to do with you.

Yes, I know. I never said otherwise.


… win what? All I did was respond to a post to point out the complexity of this particular situation. I didn’t do anything to you, nor did I have a problem with anything you said. :flushed:

You seem to have this delusion that I even pay any attention to you or somehow try to attack you or something. Which I never have nor would ever do. I’m not some crazy person. If you dislike me for whatever reason, please feel free to use the ignore function.

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