MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

Right, so… okay this would mean that what MTD and Zygor are doing is 100% against the addon policy, meaning folks need to report this to Blizzard and it will be resolved fairly quickly by them.


And that wasn’t part of the TOS and isn’t part of the EULA.

Are you really going to play the technicalities card because you refuse to accept that what’s happening with MDT isn’t allowed? Hold the L brother. The only thing you’re doing here is making yourself look worse to everybody around you.


Seriously, how hard is to just NOT use the addon? It’s not like they are necessary to play the game.

Using or not using the addon is irrelevant. What the addon author is doing is still breaking the rules and that should be addressed.

Imagine if there was a highway that everyone was speeding on, and I mean everyone. Speeding is against the rules in most societies. Someone complains about it and you come in swinging with “How hard is it to use a different road? Just don’t go on that highway!”

That’s not really the point that folks are trying to get resolved.


We don’t know what is and isn’t going to be allowed… people have complained about Zygor for years also TSM has a pay service.

At least I understand the difference between TOS, EULA and Add-On Development Policy.

Did you send an email?

No official person will comment on a pending potential legal concern. That’s a big no-go.

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They can’t … Blizz will just ban them . Its been made pretty clear for ages .

In your opinion.
Blizzard has final say in if the author is or isn’t breaking the rules NOT the masses on the forums.

That was a really stupid example. I don’t use that addon and neither do most people who aren’t into M plus dungeons. From what little I’ve read, the guy made it for himself and his guild.

“For anyone who doesn’t know, nnogga made the addon for his own guild back in legion, but the link to download it had spread throughout the high m+ community so like 6 months later he just made it publicly available. He doesn’t update it for anyone but himself/method. Now people act like it’s his duty because it’s so popular.”

So either don’t use it or use one of the copies that is already available.

Had a green answer this in another thread:


The addon policy is fairly clear on this matter.

He updated every single copy of the addon so that you can’t use the data unless you pay him. So yeah, that’s not going to work.

Green posters are just like you and me. They’re not an authority, they’re just helpful players. The addon policy states that you cannot sell services related to an addon, which selling the data required for the addon to work would definitely fall under.


It just seems people are quick to grab the pitchforks and torches before they even bother to do any research on a subject. At the end of the day it is up to Blizzard, not the masses on the forums, to address the addon and it’s legality. I’m sure that the guild tag “Method” has nothing to do with the forum lynch mob’s opinion on the matter.


They Do.


If I had to guess, they’ve referred it to their legal department, but teams like that don’t really do weekends/holidays usually, so they’re in a holding pattern until they come in and run the legals of it and make a determination on what action, if any, they’re obligated to take under their Terms of Service.

Once again… it is up to Blizzard, NOT YOU, ME, OR ANYONE ON THE FORUMS… to determine if the addon violates Blizzard’s policy. Do you work for Blizzard? No? Then you do not get to determine if it does or not.

Pretty much. I don’t care what happens one way or the other. I just think it’s hilarious everyone’s up in arms over such a non-issue. Just use the alternative version and move on.


Why do you think this thread exists? To get Blizzard’s attention so they can address it. It’s literally written in the title.

Also you don’t get to tell me that I cannot have an opinion on the matter. So kindly take your drivel and stash it under the rock you crawled out from.

Obviously Blizzard is the deciding factor here. Everyone knows that. Folks are here sharing their opinions on if they think it should be legal or not. So kindly GTHO and stop being so defensive.


The only reason they are up at arms is because the author of the addon has the guild tag “Method”.

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