MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

Okay, but you didn’t address the point.

If you don’t want to pay for addons, don’t. You are clamoring about receiving someone else’s hard work for free and acting offended that you might have to one day pay for it. When it comes down to it, just decide; yes or no, and move on.


You’re not concerned about the precedent that set? How is this mindset even a real thing?


I’m surprised they haven’t monetized those addons considering how many people use it. There is a free alternative: learn to play without them.


This has nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with a manbaby.


Be cool if they prevent the addon from working in wow. lol hilarious solution.

And no it doesnt require a blue, it just requires action if they deem it worth it.


While I’m mildly aware of copyright as applied to the world of media / fiction, I can assure you software copyright is handled differently.

You can reference IDs and describe properties of other software to interoperate with it without infringing copyright 99% of the time. Otherwise the entire software world would infringe upon itself overnight and crumble down (software infringing upon the operating system infringing upon other software, etc.).

The free addon is what talks to the game and reference proprietary names and functions. Exemple : query the game for which spell the boss just cast.

A separate file contains the non-proprietary, user generated data that the cooldown on this spell is 60 seconds. The addon now knows to start and display a 60 seconds timer.

That’s all. A company does not own the knowledge that a boss spell CD is 60 seconds. Otherwise they might as well go take down WoWhead or Wikipedia. Heck, with that mindset even book editors could as well go take down TvTropes.


It has everything to do with capitalism. Supply and demand.

He put in work, he decided to charge for it instead of continuing to provide a service for free.

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If Activision sees too much money bleeding away they will

  1. disallow the addon
  2. sue the pants off of the creator
  3. bake the addon into the game so the creator can’t profit.

I advise you do what I do and don’t use those add ons

Just do what I do a wing it every fight


Which is not allowed according to the UI policy.

And he started doing it because he threw a tantrum over people asking him to update it.

Man child.


No… because I don’t Chicken Little about things.

How is the mindset of running around screaming about trivial issues working for you? If a addon I use starts charging… I look at the value of the add-on to me. Is it worth the amount charged: Yes or No. If the answer is yes I will pay if the answer is No then I will discontinue use of the service.

FYI… this thread should have been just added to the other threads that were already in existence and it’s flagged for spam. This is in here since you seem to be all about rules.


Well the good news is because of the license that he chose people are able to create a fork of MDT and there’s literally nothing he can do about it.

And for the pet battlers posting in this thread, paid addons are literally against Blizzard TOS.


A rule means nothing if it isn’t enforced. Players talking about it doesnt mean blizzard (the enforcer) has addressed it.

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Glad I don’t use any of them. Well I use recount and the junk selling add-on.

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Doesn’t exist anymore only the EULA which doesn’t cover addons.

Blizzard will have to address this at some point.

If an addon cannot be effectively used because the data for it is locked behind a paywall, then it doesn’t matter if the addon itself is free, it’s still standing on shakey ground. Thus far only a few addons have actually gone down this route. Zygor being one of them, and for the most part it’s been a non-issue because there are alternatives to Zygor in the form of Azeroth Auto-Pilot for example.

And I am sure an alternative will be launched for MDT as well.

But the further this progresses, the more of an impact it’s going to have, so nipping this in the bud now would be in Blizzard’s best interests.


This thread has given me a raging addon.


" 1) Add-ons must be free of charge.
All add-ons must be distributed free of charge. Developers may not create “premium” versions of add-ons with additional for-pay features, charge money to download an add-on, charge for services related to the add-on, or otherwise require some form of monetary compensation to download or access an add-on."


It actually still violates the ToS guidelines for add-ons. It states that you cannot charge for services related to the add-on in the same rule against charging for the add-on itself. Access to the database is a service related to the add-on.

It is also worth noting that many popular add-one have been in violation of item number 5 on the add-on guideline rules for several expansions now… no solicitation of donatations from within the game. Many of them have donation links and everything in the addon either pasted to chat on load or in their settings menu. The rule states that solicitations for donations are only permitted on the website or download service used to obtain the add-on and are strictly prohibited form the in-game interface or any functional aspect of the add-on within the game itself.


I mean. The addon is still free. It’s just the data that’s attached to the addon that’s not.