MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

You’re a real hero.

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There is another thread for other devs that are starting to do this; I realized that after and apologized to Metro, but that doesn’t make the paywall ok as long as people are still paying. Evidently someone will need to make a new add-on that is in compliance.

He’s the developer of the addon this entire thread is about …


There is?


Looks like the data collection code is still there, just commented out. Just need to figure out how to work it and then users can just run it, get NPC data, map the NPCs on maps and provide those data files freely.

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Apparently I need a break from the forums. :disappointed: I was thinking of a post here which mentioned other add-ons.

Isn’t this going to affect some of blizzards esports giving some groups a advantage over others. Planning routes is pretty big yes keyguru site is there but doing it on the fly was very helpful. Just a shame.

That’s still considered part of the addon

Can’t one person just snag a copy and share it? Because that’s what’s gonna end up happening.

No, it’s not. Unless you think every WeakAura and Details profile is also considered part of that addon (hint: you’re an idiot if you do).

What ever info is put into the addons while playing is a part of that addon .

Anything collected by that addon is subjected to the rules Blizz has set for addons and therefore can not be charged for .

And could your reply be any more trollish ?

when it is provided by the author, it is.

So, why not just big brain move this and realize that the majority of these mod makers wont be able to afford reliable DRM’s and encryption and the cracked version of their addons will be avalible with in a week or less…

I didn’t even know this addon existed until people started posting about it.

Didn’t Zygour WoW Guides do this same thing starting a decade ago?

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Probably but you know what happens? People just go and make their own version of it, usually from a forked version of the now paid for version, and make it free.
Charging for addons is the dumbest thing in the word because it does not work.
Case and point, see the debacle that was, steam charging for skyrim addons.

Individual Weak auras have nothing to do with WoW data specifically (or even the app itself).

It’s code that the app recognizes and spits out an output.

Game Data != code.

pretty sure the EULA didnt have a subsection on multiboxing software either, however that has recently been outlawed with an announcement on the forums. I’m pretty sure if a blizzard employee posts it and its not taken down or retracted, its official

  1. The “good” addons require a massive amount of time and expertise to create and maintain. These folks rarely get donations for their work. I don’t see how selling them is really that evil.
  2. Blizzard enforces the ToS subjectively. There have been guides for WoW sold for real money for years and Blizzard has never acted on it. Some people go “well the guide is free there are just premium options” and that is specifically outlawed by the ToS, too. Blizzard is wildly inconsistent with enforcing the ToS
  3. I think addons, as a whole, are terrible for the game. Imagine playing WoW without DBM, Weak Auras or Damage meters… I think that’d be great, personally. If the ultimate consequence of this is banning all addons, I’m totes fine with it. (Disclaimer; I only play with four addons, DBM, WeakAuras, Details and Auctionator. I could live without literally all of them.)
  4. Within 3 hours of the announcement to start charging for Mythic Dungeon Tools another group released “Manbaby Dungeon Tools” a completely free version of MDT. Piracy is alive and well. The community is ultimately what put the brakes on this move, by pretty much instantly just re-releasing the complete addon for free. Good luck if the original creator wants to try a court battle over intellectual property!

Those are the 4 meaningful points to make about this discussion, imo.

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i’m sure it had rules in it that prohibited it, they just didn’t care to enforce it until recently. multbox software is third party software interacting with the WoW client.

are you referring to guides on websites/books (like bradygames) or things like addons? game guides on websites or sold as books in stores could never be against ToS as they didn’t do anything to the game itself.

Nah. Before the change, they explicitly allowed (but didn’t support) software that “clones” keystrokes into multiple instances of the game, and specifically said that as long as it was one keypress per action per game client it was fine.

The only reason they disallowed it recently is because the most commonly-used software could do more than that, for example duplicating mouse clicks and navigation, and botters were using it in conjunction with automation making it hard to separate legitimate multiboxers from botters.