MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

They wouldnt be if he had done something to stop it or expose it,if you sit sideline while someone is diddling kids you’re definitely no hero.


Actually he had another meltdown after losing race to WF and is once again making himself look like a bitter crybaby and his guild look bad

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I’ll be fine without it LOL. I hardly even pay attention to the damn thing.

No hero, that’s for sure. But be careful what you say!
You might be surprised how few heroes there are out there, when you are suggesting that being said hero means blowing up their paycheck and future.

So paycheck is more important then kids?


The add-on is till free. The add-on is built to allow you to add your own data to it. Is this no longer a valid description?

Mythic Dungeon Tools is a Mythic+ Dungeon Planner AddOn which helps you perfectly plan out your strategies and pull patterns in Mythic+ Dungeons. When done planning the route can be exported and shared via a paste string or send to party members ingame so other users of the AddOn can see what you have planned for the dungeon.

Yes, there is an argument which could be made that paywalling data used to pre-populate the add-on was a petty move - but maybe people could quit whining and build their own data sets, find the dataset still publicly available, or - god forbid - collaborate with other like-minded people to build a commonly available new dataset?

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I am saying you might be surprised how few people would do the right thing when their financial future is at stake.

You can read that clearly, right?
No need to put words in my mouth further.

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I did not put words in your mouth just copied what you wrote down

Hopefully you not that type of person I know for a fact I am not…

There is no reason to be discussing the two things together.
The Josh thing was messed up, but we are describing a bit part in it all.

Everyone around Method held their words, and they probably shouldn’t have, but to act like Nnoggie is at fault for any of that is just absurd.

I’d prefer to stick to the present day events.

I am talking about what you said after you copied what I wrong down.

Yeah, that gets into “whose version of ‘the right thing’ is actually the right thing?” territory. It’s not necessarily a bad take to say that taking care of yourself first (financial future situations) is in fact doing the right thing. We’re not a group of saints here, I wouldn’t believe a single person here who said that would willingly make themselves destitute to “do the right thing”. :wink:

Well he would be involved if he actively tried to help cover it up with kicking/silencing people talking about it or w/e op mentioned my point is you seem to be defending an accomplice.


I just posed a question my dude

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Some serious smooth brains in this thread

Depends if they lived poor before then there is no fear in loosing something like a paycheck. Poverty isnt exactly something very many people fear.

Well considering josh was not convicted of a crime, there is no reason to be concerned with anyone else’s involvement other than his own.

Let’s stay on topic now please.

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Grab that joystick and start flapping those cheeks. :smile:

I apologize, I got this thread mixed up with the general one, but still. I thank you for moving on though. :+1:

…you’re seriously still trying to get internet points? I know its weird to see on the forums, but I already stated you were right and I was wrong.

My entire reason for replying to you was not to prove you wrong, but to get my point across that there is no chance of addon developers successfully forcing people to pay for their addons when it is easy to find alternatives all over the place. People are literally screaming addons are going pay to win in the first couple of posts, and I just thought I’d help explain why its likely never going to happen.

Ignoring you at this point. Even trolls back off when you tell them they’re in the right.

You do realize this issue is solely about Nnoggie the creator of MDT. It was him who put the paywall up that caused this outcry thread and all others like it in the first place.

I’m just saying… He is the center of this problem as it was him who decided it for his addon.