MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

If you want addons? Develop them yourself.

Personally, I can’t afford to waste my time working on projects for entitled people who know they are capable of putting in the effort themselves.

You want free go study some lua guides, scripting and programming language, or whatever. Don’t go crying to other developers for not using their time fast enough to update for you when you can just do it yourself.

It’s fair to take the developers time into consideration being it isn’t something they have to do, but let’s not talk about entitlement; Blizz allows developers to piggyback off of their work and collect actual donations for it; many companies don’t allow this even if they don’t collect money from it.

I think it’s fair to say that most of the developers who create add-ons do so because they enjoy it, let’s try and keep it that way.


My point was that people would copy and use the popular addons without paying for the “original”. You can fact check me for calling it stealing when it isn’t legally punishable as stealing based on the rules put in place, and you’d technically be right about me being wrong, but the point I was trying to make has already happened with ManbabyDungeonTools; someone took MDT, renamed it, and reuploaded it to help people avoid paying the manchild for access. People will have access to these addons for free unless Blizzard makes it possible for addon developers to claim copyright, which i seriously doubt will happen.

But just to make sure we’re absolutely clear on this, YOU ARE TECHNICALLY RIGHT AND I AM TECHNICALLY WRONG about it being stealing. You won your fact checker points for the day by besting me on the internet. Good on ya.

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Don’t pay for it, problem solves itself.

I’m certain there are other tech addon writers who will just make a new addon. It’s a bit of crap move since so many use it but hey…it is what it is.

Imagine using an addon to tell you how to play the game :-1:t2: :grimacing: :-1:t2:

Paid addons, mods, etc in PC games (this isn’t a WoW exclusive issue) goes against the very spirit of the concept. It’s not supposed to be about making money, it’s supposed to be about a player’s love of a particular game and desire to improve it or improve the experience of other players. Voluntary donations are one thing, and I’m more than happy to pitch in some money when I enjoy a developer’s work, but mandatory payment should NEVER be a thing when it comes to this. I’ve modded some older PC games in the past and I never once thought about getting paid for it, the mods I made were things I myself wanted in those particular games and I only released them publicly because I figured if I wanted it then someone else might too.


To be fair, their are many guilds who insist that you have and use certain addons or they won’t even consider you as a raider.

the addon itself was still telling people to go to such and such website and give them money for the data, which is a big no-no.

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This is such an embarrassing comment on so many levels.
You don’t seem to understand a single thing about this topic, so I would recommend you staying out of it.

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Don’t use addons. Simple solution.

If our forum MVPs are here, defending former players/earners from Method, then yea the community is certainly a mess.

If he has emotional issues, he should.

Imagine choosing this as your place to plant your flag in the sand.

I have no idea what you are even on about.

Who is defending anyone right now?

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Yeah, pretty sure this thread might be locked down soon. Maybe? Keep it civil, everybody.

That’s who you’re defending. Nnoggie, from Method. Nnoggie, who stayed there for years despite all the abuse allegations.

Nnoggie, who collab’ed with Darrie (their PR/human resources person) on tutorials and videos then came out and lied about ‘can’t believe this is happening, i had no idea’ type of stuff.

Nnoggie, who literally screams in the discord stuff like ‘scott mute Josh! Kick him from the discord!’ as Josh just casually starts talking about how law enforcement has been questioning him concerning inappropriate conduct with minors.


That’s not what this thread is about, please stop hijacking it and calling out other players.


You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program’s source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program

And get this if i want to since it’s a GPL 2 License I could charge people to make copies if i wanted to… Or make it free

Nnoggie is a guy who made dozens of weak auras and addons that have helped thousands of people improve at the game.

I used to be a big fan of his back in legion, but in recent years he was trending in a bad direction for sure.

But if you think being in the same organization with some one accused of a crime makes him a bad person, you are part of the problem.

I am not here to defend him or anyone else today.
Just to remind people firstly that Blizzard is not going to comment on this, because it is far bigger than some addon TOS breach.
And secondly to remind people that the person who made said addon is going through a difficult time, so take a breather and steal the addon like everyone else if its an issue for you.

Otherwise, stop blindly hating some one you don’t even know.

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I don’t (and won’t) use Method Dungeon Tools. I refuse to pay any of those players even a dollar, and won’t even allow website clicks to generate any revenue from me.

I’ll always call out those clowns that stood by and made money while bad stuff was happening irl, pretending to put their heads in the sand and say they didn’t know about it.

The notion that someone would support these guys is absurd. That’s what this thread is about, isn’t it? Whether it’s ok to give Nnoggie money to use an addon?


Are you joking?

Man, I really wanted to participate in this thread, but so far its either complete hatred or utter cluelessness.

What is leading you to discuss this if you don’t even know what you are discussing?