MDT Controversy Needs to be Addressed by a Blue

Except when the mods are so good they aren’t optional anymore. Then Blizz has to make a hard choice to either cater to the modder’s demands or pay the dev costs to include it in the game. RIFT is a MMO that forced WoW to adopt several of it’s QoL features due to the demand it generated. Modders are no different.

That’s how I see it going. Nothing is stopping the gripers from using this add-on and creating their own data. The truth is they are angry that they might have to actually figure this content out on their own for the first time in their lives.

Blizzard doesn’t have to do anything, especially if it’s going to upset the bean counters. People have been charging for addons/addon perks for years, it’s hardly a new thing and the world (of warcraft) hasn’t plunged into chaos over it yet.

Though I imagine since this is the new Big Outrage they’ll do something about it after they get back from Christmas vacation and have some meetings about it.

Or they can do nothing and the players can either use the mod or not. The add-ons are not required. Only try-hards make these mods essential because, well, they can’t think on their own half the time.

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Yo listen up, here’s the story
About a little toon that lives in a Azerothian world
And all day and all night
And everything she sees is just blue
Like her, inside and outside
Blue her Garrison with a blue little window
And a blue saber cat mount
And everything is blue for her
And herself and everybody around
'Cause she ain’t got nobody to post to (to post to, to post to, to post to)


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How do you make a comment like “Only try-hards” when something like Deadly Boss Mods has 310.9 million downloads, and that’s just on Curse.
It’s (or it’s equivalent) seen as essential by the ENTIRE PvE community.
Come off it mate.

It took no time at all for someone to rename MDT and make it free again. Even if there are no alternatives, the addon devs can’t stop people from just stealing it anyway.

It’s an open source program, on github, under GNU public licensing. They’re not stealing :P.

I don’t think nnoggie thought this through, he would have made money off curseforge being the main program that people downloaded for this (it has 12m downloads)

Because casuals think by downloading that junk it suddenly makes them better.

It makes the content easier. You don’t have to use it. If you pay for it, that’s all on you.

If you need a third-party add-on to get an edge, don’t be surprised when they (the third party) start monetizing it after years of freeloaders using it.

i have this strange idea…pay the mod author?

Heavy mod user in BGS games, and I am an amateur myself at making some. Need it that bad…pay them.

I have for purely the right and nice thing to paid a to few go to BGS mod authors whose work rated the patreon hook up.

This stuff ain’t easy folks…pay your modders really. Or…go make your own stuff. You might jsut see why sometimes they say…give me a few bucks.

Look, if you’re just in here to spread ignorance or display sycophantic devotion to a man-child, you can just go away. This isn’t the point, and you know it. Everyone knows it and can see it. You’re just being an annoying distraction.

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Well, if that’s true, then for all the sucking I’m about to do, I apologize. I’d lay odds I’m not he only one who won’t pay, though.

If the devs could be bothered with better UI and other stuff, we probably wouldn’t need addons /:

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From my understanding it’s not overwolf trying to charge but the addon developer personally.

Might want to educate yourself about how GPL 2 works

He was stating you need overwolf to install addons. That is false. It adds convenience for sure but isn’t required.

That’s true ,I personally use wowup

It IS the point. Why should Blizzard interfere with a third party monetizing their add-ons?

Because a third party doesn’t own the rights to WoW.